Script (updated Dec. 20)
Exercise groups:
Group 1: Mo 8-10. Raum Y27 H25. Assistent: Simone Rademacher.
Gruppe 2: Mo 13-15. Raum Y27 H26. Assistent: Jonathan Lorand.
Condition to be admitted to the exam is the successful participation to the exercises (you have to collect at least 50% of the available points). Exercise sheets can be solved in groups of at most two students.
H.W. Alt: Lineare Funktionalanalysis , Springer
E.H. Lieb and M. Loss: Analysis. 2nd Edition. Graduate Studies in Mathematics (AMS).
B. Bollobas. Linear Analysis. 2nd Edition. Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks, Cambridge University Press.
Module: 08.02.2018 9:00-18:00, Room: Y27K32 Seats: 1, Type: oral exam
Repetition: 28.08.2018 10:00-14:00, Room: Y27K32 Seats: 1, Type: oral exam