ONLINE LECTURES: Under the current Coronavirus Emergency Crisis, the University switched to remote teaching. Lectures for this course are held remotely in streaming, at the lecture times listed above, using the BigBlueButton platform hosted by The link to the virtual lecture room is available above (button at the top of this page). To watch the streaming, you will need to enter your My password (registered students only). Recordings of lectures are also available for registered students (button above).
Lecture notes:
Scripts from previous year courses and handwritten lecture notes can be downloaded by logging in into "My" (for registered students only).
- Lars Ahlfors, Complex Analysis (Mc Graw Hill)
- E. Stein and R. Shakarchi, Complex Analysis (Princeton Lecture series in Analysis)
- H.A. Priestley, Complex Analysis (Oxford University Press)
- R. Remmert and G. Schumacher, Funktionentheorie 1 (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German)
Module: 01.07.2020 9:00-12:00, Room: Online Seats: ?, Type: written exam
followed by oral exams on July 2 & 3 in H25
Repetition: 27.08.2020 14:00-16:00, Room: Y27H12 Seats: 50, Type: oral exam
Post exam review