Programmierung in MatLab
Prof. Dr. Rémi Abgrall

Course objectives

This course is an introduction to the basics of MATLAB that covers the following topics:

- MATLAB environment
- Variables, constants, operators and basic computations
- Algorithms and functions
- Condition statements & Loops
- Matrices, Vectors and Linear Algebra in Matlab
- Pictures and Animations
- File management

No prior experience in coding/programming is required.

Course material

You have to follow the course online, and have already installed Matlab on your own computer. Lectures slides and demo of scripts and functions are accessible during the lecture time.

The Matlab installation instructions, technical details about the course flow, course files are available in the UZH Math 116 Community course accessible after you login with your UZH shortname and password on the following website.

Before the course, please check all the course information given in the related "course information" forum:


On Friday 19th from 9:00 to 11:00, there will be an online exam. All the information are given in the relevant topic of the forum mentioned above.


Blockkurs 15.2.-19.2.2021, 9-17h, ONLINE Seats: ?

VVZ Link