Axiomatic Thinking


Organisiert von: R. Kahle, T. Kappeler, V. Schroeder, G. Sommaruga

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Thursday, 14.09.17
Zeit Referent VortragstitelReferent
09:15-10:15Nachum Dershowitz
(School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University)
Axiomatizing ComputationY16G05
10:15-10:45coffee break
10:45-11:45Peter Schroeder-Heister
(Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut, Universität Tübingen)
Axiomatic Thinking and Proof-Theoretic Semantics: The Intensional PerspectiveY16G05
14:00-15:00Lorenz Halbeisen
Ein Rahmen für die MetamathematikY16G05
15:00-16:00Ulrich Felgner
(Mathematisches Institut, Universität Tübingen)
Der Hilbertsche KritizismusY16G05
16:00-16:30coffee break
16:30-17:30Wilfried Sieg
(Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University)
Proofs as Objects: A Pivotal ThoughtY16G05
Friday, 15.09.17
Zeit Referent VortragstitelReferent
08:30-09:30Domenico Giulini
(Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hannover)
Axiomatisation in Physics: Use and FallacyY16G05
09:30-10:30Fernando Ferreira
(Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa)
Ideal Elements and Their RemovalY16G05
10:30-11:00coffee break
11:00-12:00John Bell
(Department of Philosophy, Western University)
The Axiomatization of ContinuityY16G05
14:00-15:00Laurent Lafforgue
Axiomatic Thinking According to Hilbert and to GrothendieckY16G05
15:00-16:00Gerhard Jäger
(Institute of Computer Science, University of Bern)
Axiomatic Systems: An Operational PerspectiveY16G05
16:00-16:30coffee break
16:30-17:30Steve Awodey
(Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University)
Univalence as an Axiom for the Foundations of MathematicsY16G05