International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems


Organized by: B. Brighi, M. Chipot, A. Corbo Esposito, C. Sbordone, I. Shafrir, V. Valente, G. Vergara Caffarelli

Besides Elliptic and Parabolic issues, the topics of the conference include Geometry, Free Boundary Problems, Fluid Mechanics, Evolution Problems in general, Calculus of Variations, Homogenization, Control, Modeling and Numerical Analysis. In addition to the plenary talks parallel sessions and minisymposia will be organized.

Everybody is welcome to organise a minisymposium. The deadline for submitting a proposal is March 31, 2017. Information regarding the organisation of such an event could be obtained by contacting Mrs Schacher.

The provisional list of minisymposia includes:
  • Variational Analysis for Nonlinear Phenomena, organized by Annamaria Barbagallo, Maria Alessandra Ragusa and Andrea Scapellato
  • Variational Problems in L^\infty and related issued, organized by Francesca Prinari and Elvira Zappale
  • Differential Problems in Applications, organized by Sandra Carillo
  • Fully nonlinear elliptic equations and viscosity solutions, organized by Fabiana Leoni and Antonio Vitolo
  • PDEs in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, organized by Andrea Malchiodi and Gabriella Tarantello
  • Parabolic problems with unbounded coefficients, organized by Anna Canale, Tiziana Durante, Cristian Tacelli
  • Nonlinear PDEs for multiphase materials and complex fluids, organized by Michela Eleuteri and Giulio Schimperna
  • Stability for evolution problems, organized by Boris Andreianov, Espen R. Jakobsen and Jerome Droniou
  • Nonlinear PDE's and Functional Inequalities, organized by Giuseppina Di Blasio and Giovanni Pisante
  • Regularity in Calculus of Variations, organized by Antonia Passarelli di Napoli, Flavia Giannetti and Raffaella Giova
  • PDEs arising in nonlinear optics, organized by Jarosław Mederski and Wolfgang Reichel
  • Variational and Geometrical Methods in PDE's, organized by Carlo Nitsch and Cristina Trombetti
  • Geometrical aspects of PDE's and related questions, organized by Barbara Brandolini and Francesco Chiacchio
  • Spectral analysis and homogenization of PDEs, organized by Giuseppe Cardone and Jean Louis Woukeng
  • Variational Methods in Mechanics (VMM) dedicated to 65th anniversary of Alexandr Khludnev, organized by Alexandr M. Khludnev, Victor A. Kovtunenko, and Evgeny M. Rudoy
  • PDEs and Applications, organized by Angela Alberico, Roberta Schiattarella, and Gabriella Zecca
  • Theory and methods in nonlinear analysis, organized by Giovanni Anello and Giovanni Molica Bisci
  • Nonlocal fractional problems and related topics, organized by Vincenzo Ambrosio and Raffaella Servadei
  • Geometric properties of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDEs, organized by Catherine Bandle and Eiji Yanagida

Gaeta, where the conference will take place, is in the gulf of Serapo between Rome and Naples. From Rome Fiumicino Airport "Leonardo da Vinci" take a train to ROMA TERMINI (the main railways station of Rome) and, once there, take a train to FORMIA. At the Formia station you will find shuttle busses to Gaeta. If you prefer you can take a taxi. You can get information about train-schedules at the Italian Railways web-site. The hotel is located directly at the sea, just a ten minute walk from the old city of Gaeta.

List of speakers

X. Blanc (Paris)
P. D'Ancona (Roma)
T. Caraballo (Sevilla)
J. Droniou (Melbourne)
A. Malchiodi (Pisa)
P. Mironescu (Lyon)
G. Molica Bisci (Reggio Calabria)
H.-M. Nguyen (Lausanne)
C. Nitsch (Naples)
E. M. Ouhabaz (Bordeaux)
W. Reichel (Karlsruhe)
M. Ribot (Orleans)
R. Servadei (Urbino)
G. Tarantello (Rome)
C. Trombetti (Naples)
C. Walker (Hannover)
J.-C. Wei (Vancouver)
E. Yanagida (Tokyo)


Gerda Schacher
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich


Your hotel reservation and payment have to be arranged with the Hotel Serapo. Please book by e-mail:

Prices for full board:
86 Euros for single rooms, 148 Euros for double rooms, 210 Euros for triple rooms, 264 Euros for quadruple rooms

The participants are requested to register.
There is no registration fee.
To be on the programme you would have to confirm your registration by April 15th (contacting Mrs. Schacher).
Note that the registration remains open for participants but we cannot offer the possibility to give a talk any more.