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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Ott, ManuelaInvariance principles in rough path topology for independent random variables and Markov Chains PDF2013MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Malkoc, NihadGibbs Masse 2013MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Malaguerra, AndreaBayesian variable selection based on test statistics 2013BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Weymuth, MonikaFully Discrete Version of the AL Basis for Elliptic Problems with General L∞ Coefficient 2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Arnold, NoamNumerische Lösungen elliptischer und parabolischer Differentialgleichungen in zwei und drei Dimensionen mit NETGEN/NGSolve 2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schnyder, RetoTime and Space Adaptive Solution to Retarded Potential Integral Equations PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schulz, LukasA survey of Montgomery's Conjecture 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Barreal Fernandez, AmaroSpace-Time Code Constructions for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communication Systems PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Gerber, FlorianMSc thesis (Biostatistics, University of Zurich, 2013): Disease mapping with the Besag-York-Mollié model applied to a cancer and a worm infections dataset 2013BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Truong, Sam CuongFunctional Ito Calculus 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Spiess, RahelAn overview of Edwards curves over finite fields 2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Liao, Sih-JingFractional polynomials with test-based Bayes factors 2013BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Krapf, RegulaA complete proof of incompleteness 2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Brand, KevinNTRU: A lattice-based Cryptosystem and Attacks against it PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Romeo, NicolaThe Galton-Watson Process and the L log L criteria PDF2013MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Züger, FrancescoSolution of Non-Homogenous Dirichlet Problems with FEM PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Calore, SandroNumerical methods in finance: Pricing options with MATLAB 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Maddalena, FiorenzaMonetary measures of risk 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Scheuss, AndreasGaussian analytic functions and determinantal paint processes 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Vanoni, TizianaPrice dynamics in a limit order book 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Meyer, Konrad KevinOn Infinitely Divisible Laws, Brownian motion and Analysit Number Theory. 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schmid, MarcoAnalysis of Tensor Gaussian Quadrature of Function of Class C∞ PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Kaufmann, AndréMetrische Charakterisierungen der Alexandrov-Krümmung PDF2013MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Lee, JoonSmall Gaps of Primes in Arithmetic Progression 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Riedtmann, HelenThe Approximate Common Divisor Problem: Two Algorithmic Solutions PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Graber, Maria SereinaPhylogenetic comparative methods for discrete responses in evolutionary biology PDF2013BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard