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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Zülle, JoelDynamical stability of ground states of the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system PDF2024MathematicsWidmayer, Klaus
Schalbetter, Sibylle MirjamThe composite Nédélec element: a two-scale approach for Maxwell's equations on complicated domains 2024MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Bammert, Vivien CarolineSecurity of algebraic geometry codes in code-based cryptography PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Menn, LilianHyperelliptic function field lattices: determinant, successive minima, and automorphism groups PDF2024MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Astakhov, GeorgySample size calculation: Implementation of different scenarios for the online tool SampleSizeR PDF2024BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Pruszko, Pawel LukaszProbabilistic results for hyperbolic dynamical systems 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Nikolic, DusanLong-range dependence 2024MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Schneeberger, Maurice HenriIntegrating Explainability in Stroke Outcome Prediction: A Multi-Modal AI Approach Based On Deep Transformation Models 2024BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Zhang, ZhengdongAlgebraic vector bundles from a homotopic point of view PDF2024MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Bottoni, Mattia LucianoTeaching "Foundations of Mathematics" with the LEAN Theorem Prover PDF2024MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Schüpbach, Delia LuanaAnalysis of spatio-temporal fly distribution patterns and influential factors 2024MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Wohlfender, BettinaOn the consistency of regularity properties of the real numbers PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Solari, MicheleA comprehensive study on fractal sets and dimensions PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Griesshammer, Ira AntjePure jump Lévy processes for option pricing models 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pletscher, JennyMixtures of binomial distributions and applications to credit risk 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Fioroni, EneaFlows on the modular surface and continued fractions PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Stadler, RomanMaximum Likelihood Inference for Unstructured Gaussian Copulas 2024BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Sriram, RathesMathematical Modeling of Polarization 2024MathematicsBovet, Alexandre
Djokic, KatarinaOptimal Portfolio and Consumption Decisions in Continuous-Time 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Romero Mooser, OswaldoThe Hadamard-Perron Theorems: Uniform, Non-uniform, and Effective Hyperbolicity 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Althaus, SalomeDynamics on Hyperbolic Surfaces with Quantitative Estimates PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Huang, Carolyne JieA simulation study to quantify successful translation of results from preclinical studies to human trials PDF2024BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Mita, RubensA Bayesian Perspective on Drug Approval 2024BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Rusconi, TimoteoConstructing bounds for the discrepancy of sequences PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Teider, Diana PatriziaCounting Points on Curves over Finite Fields, a Comparison to the Hasse-Weil Bound PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Akai, JoëlUnderstanding Model Dependancy Through Dependancy Graphs: A Cumulant-Based Approach 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Haibach, LillemorDiagnostics, Implications and Handling of Collinearity in Linear Models PDF2024BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Bader, RogerExploring Generative and Forecasting Capabilities of Restricted Boltzmann Machines 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Yang, XinyuApplication of Filtering Theory to Intensity-Based Credit Risk Models 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Wang, QinlingModeling limit Order Book Dynamics with Hawkes Processes 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Kopp, JensCode Based Cryptography and Algebraic Geometry Codes PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Riner, DeliaOptimal Stepping and Free-Boundary Problems 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Robbiani, SabrinaTiling Billiards 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Falconer-Stout, Gabriel MarieDifferentiating large mining projects in SSA to produce varying impacts on measured health outcomes PDF2024BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Rey, Vanessa AnnaConnectedness and Giant Component in the Stochastic Block Model PDF2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pfister, ManuelInferential Seamless Designs for Treatment Selection during a Phase II/III Study in Oncology PDF2024BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata