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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Keller, JudithBig Intersections in Projective Space PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Hirschbühl, MarkusProblem Analysis - MMANOVA Framework and Unbalanced Designs 2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Mösinger, KasparAn R implementation for huge spatiotemporal covariance matrices 2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Businger, SilviaBrownian local times and applications 2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Raemy, IsabelleSuperregular Hankel Matrices Over Finite Fields: An Upper Bound of the Matrix Size and a Construction Algorithm PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Du, LinnaVulnerability Analysis of European Windstorms PDF2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Taddei, NiccolòKingman's Coalescent and Ewans' Formula 2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Hoessly, LinardDerived category of coherent sheaves and applications in algebraic geometry 2015MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Yilmaz, BilalReview of the Dantzig selector and LASSO problems and Implementation of the FISTA method 2015MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Seric, MarkoComputational Considerations in Network Coding on Plücker Embedded Subspace Codes PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Ochoa Pereira, Carlos Novel semiparametric estimation method for the analysis of zero-inflated data: an application to the young forest records of the Swiss NFI 3 2015BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Gruber, NicolaKnowledge space theory and a model for student social interactions while learning 2015MathematicsDehaye, Paul-Olivier
Hug, CorneliaAn abstract Nash-Moser theorem and applications to nonlinear wave equations 2015MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Huber, AndreaSets of Finite Perimeter in Riemannian Manifolds 2015MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Irniger, ChristophGeneral position of lines in projective spaces of low dimensions over a finite field PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Löpfe, CorinneThe use of Scale Functions in Insurance Risk Theory PDF2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Inauen, DominikA Nash-Kuiper Theorem for C^(1,1/5-delta) Immersions of Surfaces in 3 Dimensions 2015MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Baronti, FrancescaTopogonov's Theorem: From Complete to Non-Complete Geodesic Spaces 2015MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Häni, BenjaminGeschlossene Zyklen von konjugierten Kegelschnitten in der endlichen projektiven Koordinatenebene der Ordnung 3 PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Dotti, EdoardoEisenstein Polynomials over Holomorphy Rings PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Mizrahi, LeilaThoroughly Formalizing an Uncommom Construction of the Real Numbers PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Hartmann, MichaelThe Ajtai-Dwork Cryptosystem and Other Cryptosystems Based on Lattices PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Holzer, MartinFinite Chain Rings, Finitely Generated Modules over Finite Chain Rings and Projective Hjelmslev Geometries PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Böni, LauroUtility Indifference Prices of Contingent Claims on Nontraded Assets in the Small and Large Claim Limit 2015MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Walker, LauraKauffman Bracket Skein Modules at Root of Unity: Central Elements and the Chebyshev Homomorphism 2015MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Negele, DominiqueAbout Simple Equations in Endomorphism Semirings of a Finite Chain 2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Kratzer, GillesSimulation based inference in epidemic models PDF2015BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard