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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Pagani, Fabian PaulOn dynamical realizations of maximal spectral types and spectral multiplicities 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Somasundaram, VithersanFrom a "Spiel Popeye und miss deine Greifkraft" activity to Swiss norms for handgrip strength PDF2023BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Fang, ZhengThe perimeter cascade in critical Boltzmann quadrangulations decorated by an O(n) loop model 2023MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Sepin, JeromeAssessment of the detrimental effects of collinearity in classical and transformation models PDF2023BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Errera, TizianaInternational Comparison of Treatment and Survival of Elderly Patients with GIST PDF2023BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Josi, JohannesQuantifying the uncertainty in the evolution of dolutegravir resistance in the MARISA-DTG model 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Hofmann, Céline FabienneAn EM Algorithm approach to GLM modeling with varying dispersion under censoring and truncation with an application in insurance claims PDF2023MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Studer, PascalBlack-Scholes model and leveraged financial products PDF2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Brügger, Victoria KatharinaBetween- and Within-Person Assessment of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Postprandial Glucose Levels 2023BiostatisticsRohrmann, Sabine
Bohne, Nis-ErikConforming and non-conforming Finite Element Methods for two-dimensional Stokes flow PDF2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Hansmann, DanaiBounds on the asymptotic rate of block codes PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Capol, CarinaCrouzeix-Raviart Elements for Eigenvalue Problems PDF2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schmidhuber, SophieOn the structure of foliations on dilation surfaces 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Meili, JoëlDifferential gene regulation 2023BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Bortone, MelanieGuaranteed eigenvalue bound by Crouzeix-Raviart functions in 3D 2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Nor, YulianaIndifferent fixed points of holomorphic maps and regularity properties of Brjuno functions 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Petitpierre, AnoukFusion of heterogeneous data sources in preclinical research – evaluation of ordinary and weighted least squares regression and a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach in R and STAN 2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Signer, JensStrong stability preserving Deferred Correction and its application to Conservation laws 2023MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Destefani, Elisa BarbaraDiffraction and Quasicrystals: between mathematics and physics 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Nägeli, LukasDifferential growth analysis of agricultural Aureobasidium pullulas isolates PDF2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Küng, TamaraFundamental concepts in credit risk modelling 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Rauseo, DianaConstructing cryptographic accumulators from key exchange protocols PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Beceren, BeyazitInterbank networks in modern finance: exploring systemic risk through configuration graphs 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Chong, JunjieGeneralized Reduction and Spinor Decomposition 2023MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Zahiri, FlorinEmergence of Default Cascades in Financial Networks: Assessing Vulnerability to Systemic Risk using Assortative Configuration Graphs 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Gonzalez, IsidroScale space multiresolution decomposition: an implementation for raster data with the Google Earth engine PDF2023MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Konrad, Mikael JonasQuadratic forms and homogeneous dynamics PDF2023MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Zanoli, RenzoGeometric effects in elliptic eigenvalue problems 2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Krähenbühl, YvesOverview of classes of MDP convolutional codes and their erasure decoding algorithms PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Gerstner, Sebastian JérômeConcentration inequalities and central limit theorems with dependency graphs PDF2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Bossalini, TatjanaThe ROCA vulnerability: a study on Coppersmith's algorithm and its applications PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Philipona, FrederikSimulation of Spatial Transcriptomic Data 2023BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Meier, AngelaModelling real-world Networks: Generalised Random Graph and Configuration Model PDF2023MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Bührer, Lea RahelForecast of nursing cases in the canton of Thurgau until 2040 based on demographic change, nursing level and health characteristics of senior citizens 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Glapka, AnnaConcentration inequalities and foundations of machine learning 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Canaj, XhenitaConvergence of stochastic gradient descent with AdaGrad stepsizes 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Lanzenberger, SarahBogoliubov theory for weakly interacting Bose gases 2023MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Zhang, PengchengTautological rings of moduli spaces $\bar{M}_{g,n}$ PDF2023MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Jumuga, Tudor-AndreiClinical prediction models for rehospitalization using traditional statistics and machine learning 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Osuna, PabloApplication of modular forms to the sphere packing problem 2023MathematicsBurrin, Claire
Sirotkin, PavelCausal effect of initial opioid dose concentration on clinical outcomes using target trial emulation 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Ping, ChenThe irreducibility of the moduli space of stable curves of given genus 2023MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Füglistaler, Jonas RaphaelEstimating the non-reporting rate of animals used in preclinical research using meta-analytical approaches PDF2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard