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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Stassen, HelenThe Semigroup Action Problem for Right Multiplication Groups of Finite Simple Non-Moufang Bol Loops 2006MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Amir, ArielLDPC Codes over non-binary Alphabets 2006MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Casartelli, MicheleSemirings, Factoring and Tropical Algebra 2007MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Wimmer, MarionList decoding of Chinese remainder theorem codes 2007Rosenthal, Joachim
Köppel, RichardEfficient Tate Pairing Computation on Elliptic or Hyperelliptic Curves 2007MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Schälin, Fredy MarcelOn Probabilistic Logic, Nonmonotonic Conditionals and Induction 2007Barbour, Andrew
Gentzen, Andres RüdigerUnderstanding The XTR-System 2007Rosenthal, Joachim
Buholzer, MonikaModellierung der Erkennungswahrscheinlichkeiten von TIP-Daten 2007Barbour, Andrew
Praczyk, RafalBerechnung der (Un)Gleichung J-1(0)/G = Summe(M/G) 2007Cattaneo, Alberto
Wälchli, BorisAnwendung von Random Forests in empirischer Bürgerkriegsforschung 2008Barbour, Andrew
Ackerknecht, MichaelDiscrete Maximum Principle for the Finite Element Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2008Chipot, Michel
Widmer, Tamara TajaraQuasi-Alternating Montesinos Links 2008MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Wagner, UrsDetection and Exploitation of Small Correlations in Stream Ciphers PDF2008MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Skowera, JonathanDecomposition of Deligne-Mumford stacks under torus actions 2008Kresch, Andrew
Looser, DominicSome cryptological applications of bit rotations 2009Rosenthal, Joachim
Frey, AsakoStabilized Single Layer Potential for the Numerical Solution of the Helmholtz Problem 2009MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Giesbrecht, TobiasPrognose-Werkzeuge in der Logistik - Robuste Schätzung in Regressionsmodellen 2009Barbour, Andrew
Steiner, SandraA multivariate appraoch to list decoding CRT codes 2009Rosenthal, Joachim
Pasic, VitaDistribution of the number of rational points on elliptic curves over finite fields 2009Rosenthal, Joachim
Ribic, ManuelMatusumoto-Imai Tame-Transformation-Method Cryptosystem PDF2009MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Jancso, Caroline BrigitteEin Konstruktionsbeweis zum Theorem von Alexander-Bishop 2009Schroeder, Viktor
Giammarino, SandroKolmogorov condition for integrable systems near hyperbolic singularities 2009MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Lipko, JuliaDie Kettenbruchentwicklung in der hyperbolischen Geometrie 2009Schroeder, Viktor
Altwegg, NellyRecurrence and transcience of some two-dimensional random walks in random environments 2009Bolthausen, Erwin
Boldori, AndrésLarge deviations and stochastic differental equations 2010MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Bieri, AnnaNumber Theory and Random Matrix Theory 2010MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schmid, Annina ReginaMathematical Models in Fiance - From General Discrete and Continuous Time Financial Models to Two Different Approaches of the Black-Scholes Formula 2010Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Romer, LinusSatz von Toponogov 2010MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Glogg, René YvesSensitivity Analysis in Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming Problems 2010MathematicsChipot, Michel
Hartmann, JaninePoincaré's Problem und die Länge der kürzesten geschlossenen Geodätischen auf einer konvexen Hyperfläche 2010De Lellis, Camillo
Cathomen, AndriZur Diversität der Kohomologietafeln graduierter Moduln 2010Brodmann, Markus
Keller, BernhardEndlichkeit der Kohomologie lokal freier Moduln 2010Brodmann, Markus
Dalessi, SimoneCalibration Tests for Multicategorical Predictions 2010MathematicsHeld, Leonhard
Sommer, KarinGate Complexity of Boolean Functions 2011MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Berner, TobiasA look at some straight subgroups 2011MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Huber, MartinNumerical solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains 2011MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Gallauer Alves de Souza, MartinThe Lefschetz-Verdier trace formula and a generalization of a theorem of Fujiwara 2011MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Landolt, JonasDisordered polymer models 2011MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Logaritsch, PhilippeHarmonic Maps with Values in a Metric Space 2011MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Schmalfeldt, ThomasOption Prices as Probabilities 2011MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Keller, MichaelQuasi-geostrophic dynamic based on PV inversion 2011MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Schmid, SandroFrobenius manifold structure of the orbit space of a finite reflection group 2011MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Schwyn, MatthiasBoundary at infinity of symmetric rank one space 2011MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Schibli, RebekkaSpatio-temporal homogeneity of a satellite-derived global radiation climatology PDF2011BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Pagani, DanieleModel Nonlinear Elliptic Problems 2011MathematicsChipot, Michel
Sauter, RafaelMarkov Models for Multi-State Smoking Cessation Data 2011BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Amrein, MarioWellposedness of the transport and continuity equation 2011MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Hersberger, IanCoppersmith's Algorithm 2011MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Morina, XhemailBessel processes and pricing of Asian options 2012MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Singh, Parvinder RajeshA comparison of bayesian and frequentist inference for cox regression models with random effects 2012BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Valle, AlexandraLiouville-Type theorems for elliptic problems 2012MathematicsChipot, Michel
Rüegg, SarahOn the geometry of the phase space of the focusing NLS equation 2012MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Stauffer, Florence JoanRenormalized Solutions and Finite Elements 2012MathematicsChipot, Michel
Xue, WeiSteady Solutions of Navier-stokes Equations in 2-D infinite Channels 2012MathematicsChipot, Michel
De Giorgi, AndreaMcEliece Cryptosystems PDF2012MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Widmer, YannickKrümmungsabschätzungen von Minimalflächen in Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten 2012MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Scherer, AlmutTreatment Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Inhibiting Substances in Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients: Adjustment for Baseline Differences in the Analysis of Longitudinal Observational Data 2012BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Zube, Stephanie Paulina MonikaAsymptotic behaviour of nonlinear nonlocal parabolic problems 2012MathematicsChipot, Michel
Anthamatten, ChristineMaximum principles for elliptic partial differential equations 2012MathematicsChipot, Michel
Purtschert, StefanConstruction of bathymetric charts using spatial statistics 2012MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Kuleshova, EkaterinaUntersuchungen zur Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit mittels Kredibilitätstheorie 2012MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schwab, FelixDas Plateauproblem 2012MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Müller, ClaudioThe period-index problem for the Brauer group of an algebraic surface 2012MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Fortunati, PaoloNodal Sets of Elliptic Equations and Monotonicity Formulas 2012MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Senn, MarkusRationality of threefolds 2012MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Ott, ManuelaInvariance principles in rough path topology for independent random variables and Markov Chains PDF2013MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Malkoc, NihadGibbs Masse 2013MathematicsBolthausen, Erwin
Malaguerra, AndreaBayesian variable selection based on test statistics 2013BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Weymuth, MonikaFully Discrete Version of the AL Basis for Elliptic Problems with General L∞ Coefficient 2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Arnold, NoamNumerische Lösungen elliptischer und parabolischer Differentialgleichungen in zwei und drei Dimensionen mit NETGEN/NGSolve 2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schnyder, RetoTime and Space Adaptive Solution to Retarded Potential Integral Equations PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schulz, LukasA survey of Montgomery's Conjecture 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Barreal Fernandez, AmaroSpace-Time Code Constructions for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communication Systems PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Gerber, FlorianMSc thesis (Biostatistics, University of Zurich, 2013): Disease mapping with the Besag-York-Mollié model applied to a cancer and a worm infections dataset 2013BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Truong, Sam CuongFunctional Ito Calculus 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Spiess, RahelAn overview of Edwards curves over finite fields 2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Liao, Sih-JingFractional polynomials with test-based Bayes factors 2013BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Krapf, RegulaA complete proof of incompleteness 2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Brand, KevinNTRU: A lattice-based Cryptosystem and Attacks against it PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Romeo, NicolaThe Galton-Watson Process and the L log L criteria PDF2013MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Züger, FrancescoSolution of Non-Homogenous Dirichlet Problems with FEM PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Calore, SandroNumerical methods in finance: Pricing options with MATLAB 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Maddalena, FiorenzaMonetary measures of risk 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Scheuss, AndreasGaussian analytic functions and determinantal paint processes 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Vanoni, TizianaPrice dynamics in a limit order book 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Meyer, Konrad KevinOn Infinitely Divisible Laws, Brownian motion and Analysit Number Theory. 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schmid, MarcoAnalysis of Tensor Gaussian Quadrature of Function of Class C∞ PDF2013MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Kaufmann, AndréMetrische Charakterisierungen der Alexandrov-Krümmung PDF2013MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Lee, JoonSmall Gaps of Primes in Arithmetic Progression 2013MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Riedtmann, HelenThe Approximate Common Divisor Problem: Two Algorithmic Solutions PDF2013MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Graber, Maria SereinaPhylogenetic comparative methods for discrete responses in evolutionary biology PDF2013BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Hammer, SusanneResidual-based a posteriori error estimators for two-dimensional adaptive finite element methods for the poisson equation PDF2014MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Bekcic, DanijelaStein's Method with Applications in Mathematical Finance 2014MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Brühlmann, DavidEinbettungssatz von Bonk und Schramm PDF2014MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Bischofberger, BrunoArcs of Vanishing Curvature in Metric Spaces 2014MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Gravestock, IsaacBayesian Tree Models, Priors and Posterior Approximations 2014BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Huang, RuizhuEvaluation of CD4 and CD8 as progression markers for untreated and treated HIV-I infection 2014BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Bütikofer, LukasInfluence of ungulate browsing on tree regeneration 2014BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Markovic, MilanFaktorization of Natural Numbers Based on Quaternion Algebra Using Lipschitz Integers PDF2014MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Ghisletta, LeandroFocusing NLS equation and Bäcklund transformations 2014MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Baholli, BledarReproduzierbarkeit von Überlebenszeitanalysen mittels rekursivem Partitionieren 2014BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Matthes, KatarinaA comparison of count-based and assembly-based methods for differential splice detection 2014BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Aylidere, MustafaFully Homomorphic Encryption 2014MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Thommen, SarahStatistical monitoring of condemnation rates from Swiss slaughterhouses PDF2014BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Lischka, MarcRemetrizing Spaces of Bounded Curvature 2014MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Antognini, MartinoSensitivity analysis for boundary element quadrature 2014MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Amador Sulbaran, Jipcy CarolinaDisease Progression and Survival in ALS Patients 2014BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Schmidmeister, FernandaDiffusion process in population genetics 2014MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Güsewell, SabinePhenological responses to changing temperatures: representativeness and precision of results from the Swiss Phenological Network 2014BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Hebeisen, MonikaEstimation from Interval-censored Time-to-event Data: Method Comparison by Simulation based on Gallium Study for Follicular Lymphoma PDF2014BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Biffiger, SilvanRenewals and Queues 2014MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Moser, Gabrielle ElaineSpatial Aspects of Forest Monitoring Data and Surface Estimation: An Analysis of the Swiss NFI 2014BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Keller, JudithBig Intersections in Projective Space PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Hirschbühl, MarkusProblem Analysis - MMANOVA Framework and Unbalanced Designs 2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Mösinger, KasparAn R implementation for huge spatiotemporal covariance matrices 2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Businger, SilviaBrownian local times and applications 2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Raemy, IsabelleSuperregular Hankel Matrices Over Finite Fields: An Upper Bound of the Matrix Size and a Construction Algorithm PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Du, LinnaVulnerability Analysis of European Windstorms PDF2015MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Taddei, NiccolòKingman's Coalescent and Ewans' Formula 2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Hoessly, LinardDerived category of coherent sheaves and applications in algebraic geometry 2015MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Yilmaz, BilalReview of the Dantzig selector and LASSO problems and Implementation of the FISTA method 2015MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Seric, MarkoComputational Considerations in Network Coding on Plücker Embedded Subspace Codes PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Ochoa Pereira, Carlos Novel semiparametric estimation method for the analysis of zero-inflated data: an application to the young forest records of the Swiss NFI 3 2015BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Gruber, NicolaKnowledge space theory and a model for student social interactions while learning 2015MathematicsDehaye, Paul-Olivier
Hug, CorneliaAn abstract Nash-Moser theorem and applications to nonlinear wave equations 2015MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Huber, AndreaSets of Finite Perimeter in Riemannian Manifolds 2015MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Irniger, ChristophGeneral position of lines in projective spaces of low dimensions over a finite field PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Löpfe, CorinneThe use of Scale Functions in Insurance Risk Theory PDF2015MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Inauen, DominikA Nash-Kuiper Theorem for C^(1,1/5-delta) Immersions of Surfaces in 3 Dimensions 2015MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Baronti, FrancescaTopogonov's Theorem: From Complete to Non-Complete Geodesic Spaces 2015MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Häni, BenjaminGeschlossene Zyklen von konjugierten Kegelschnitten in der endlichen projektiven Koordinatenebene der Ordnung 3 PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Dotti, EdoardoEisenstein Polynomials over Holomorphy Rings PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Mizrahi, LeilaThoroughly Formalizing an Uncommom Construction of the Real Numbers PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Hartmann, MichaelThe Ajtai-Dwork Cryptosystem and Other Cryptosystems Based on Lattices PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Holzer, MartinFinite Chain Rings, Finitely Generated Modules over Finite Chain Rings and Projective Hjelmslev Geometries PDF2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Böni, LauroUtility Indifference Prices of Contingent Claims on Nontraded Assets in the Small and Large Claim Limit 2015MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Walker, LauraKauffman Bracket Skein Modules at Root of Unity: Central Elements and the Chebyshev Homomorphism 2015MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Negele, DominiqueAbout Simple Equations in Endomorphism Semirings of a Finite Chain 2015MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Kratzer, GillesSimulation based inference in epidemic models PDF2015BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Simion, LuisaComputing the portfolio loss distribution using factor models 2016MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Fässler, PascalRegular Variation and its Application to Analysis and Probability 2016MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Günhan, Burak KürsadNetwork meta-analysis with integrated nested Laplace approximations PDF2016BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Schneider, CarinaA spate of statistical tests to climate data validation PDF2016MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Vögeli, UrsGalerkin and Collocation Methods for Abel's Integral Equation PDF2016MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Weinhandl, RomanDiscretising a High Dimensional Partial Differential Equation Using Tensors PDF2016MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Frei, FabianEstimation by Transformation 2016MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Schürch, FabienneSpatial Interpolation for Huge Datasets: Concepts, Implementations and Illustrations 2016MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Buri, Muriel LynneaParametric Bootstrap Inference for Transformation Models PDF2016BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Gasche, ChristophMinimal unimodular Matrix Decomposition 2016MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Moshayedi, NimaDeformation Quantization of the Relational Symplectic Groupoid for Constant Poisson Structures PDF2016MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Ling, YuchenMeta-Analytic-Predictive Priors Using Historical Control Information with the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation 2016BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Vanetta, ChiaraThe Problems of Plateau and Douglas and their Index Theorems 2016MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Metzger, RaphaelDistance Calculation between Moebius Equivalent Metrics on the Boundary at Infinity 2016MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Bessire, JoëlExtreme Value Theory: An Approach via Point Processes PDF2016MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Ragaz, MarcoThe Mapper Methodology Applied to Risk Classification for Road Accidents 2016MathematicsDehaye, Paul-Olivier
Hofer, LisaStein's Method and its Application to the Asymptotics of Pattern Occurrences in Random Permutations 2016MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Gasser, Rebekka KlaraThe finite element method for elliptic problems with defective eigenvalues 2016MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Kalchbrenner, AndrinTopological data analysis of neural network prediction in optical character recognition PDF2016MathematicsDehaye, Paul-Olivier
Rauchenstein, JuliaGeneralizing Hilbert's Tenth Problem to Q and subrings of Q 2016MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Torres, CélineRelativistic Mean-field Evolution of Fermions in an External Magnetic Field 2016MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Leuenberger, SophieError-correcting pairs for the McEliece cryptosystem PDF2016MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Bucher, FabianPoisson Approximations in Credit Risk Models 2016MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Koch, DarioExistence and uniqueness of maximal regular flows for non-smooth vector fields 2016MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Cattaneo, AmosAn Overview of the Discrete Logarithm Problem over Finite Fields 2016MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Pini, GianlucaPotential Theory: A probabilistic Approach 2016MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Graziani, GiuseppeOn the Stability of the Nabelpunktsatz 2017MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Salvini, Chiara AgneseAlgorithmic methods to efficiently solve quadratic equations 2017MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Müller, Christian Thomas BenediktThe Linear Transformation Model under Test 2017BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Weger, ViolettaA Code-Based Cryptosystem using GRS codes PDF2017MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Götz, BeatriceSelected properties of random recursive trees and their destruction 2017MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Brunner, MirjamProjective Representations of Symmetric Groups 2017MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Kaufmann, MarcoMediation analysis of the effect of occupational UGDF exposure on mortality mediated through the lung 2017BiostatisticsPuhan, Milo
Meier, AndreaRisk factor study of pododermatitis in rabbits using additive Bayesian networks PDF2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Schuster, ThimomrbsizerR - Scale space multiresolution analysis in R PDF2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Egger, MarcPermutation pattern matching and induced subgraph isomorphism PDF2017MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Brunnhofer, UrsinaIdentification of key data in stationary hospital bed-utilisation and application of queueing theory on optimal bed-occupancy 2017MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Noll, SamuelTwo- and three-class ROC analysis. A comparison of statistical tests. PDF2017MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Steffen, VerenaTransformation Forests for Right-Censored Data 2017BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Neukom, TobiasThe Malliavin Calculus and Calculation of Greeks 2017MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Frei, AnjaA fractional integration by parts formula with an application to convolution integrals 2017MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Vukovic, MarijaRobust represenation of convex risk measures 2017MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Hug, DavidTits Rigidity 2017MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Grüninger, ServanDoes the Blue Bird Get the Flu? - Using Twitter for Flu Surveillance PDF2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Rosso, TaniaBasic Probability Models for DNA Sequence Evolution 2017MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Graf, ClaudiaOn the frequency map of the defocusing NLS equation 2017MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Fritschi, Barbara ElisabethLarge Deviations - Introduction and Examples 2017MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schraven, SeverinThe KdV equation on spaces of quasi periodic finite gap potentials 2017MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Reeve, KellySpatio-temporal forecasting for infectious disease count data PDF2017BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Gubser, NicoleApplications of Chinese Remainder Codes in Cryptography 2017MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Traber, ReginaOn the mean field dynamics of interacting fermionic systems 2017MathematicsPorta, Marcello
Payne, Megan AprilLikelihood-based Booting in Transformation Models 2017BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Orlovic, VladicaRandom Graphs: The Erdös-Rényi Random Graph and the Preferential Attachment Model 2017MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Noser, HelenaOn Fluctuations of Maxima 2017MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Anthitsis, GeorgiosOn Quasi-Isometric Extensions of Möbius Maps for Complete and Almost Geodesically Complete CAT(-1) Spaces 2017MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Neumann, MarkusHierarchical Matrices - An Implementation in Python PDF2017MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Fallegger, AnjaExtension of the zero-inflated hierarchical models in the eggCounts package PDF2017MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Schleiniger, Marco RetoStan implementation of a parametric bootstrapping procedure for additive Bayesian network analysis 2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Vera, BenjaminHeegaard Distance 2017MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Herzog, LisaImage based classification using Convolutional Neural Networks for stroke detection 2017BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Flury, RomanMultiresolution Decomposition of Incomplete Random Signals - A Statistical Application of Sparse Matrix Calculus PDF2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Rossinelli, GiuliaThe CAT(O) Property for Extensions of Right-Angled Coxeter Groups 2017MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Mihali, RobertAsymptotic Behavior of Large Components in Near-critical Random Graphs PDF2017MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Häberli, PierreStatistical Data Analysis and Forecasting of a Multinational Company's Production 2017MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Borsari, LarissaActions of 0-Hecke algebras on ribbon tableaux 2017MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Polysopoulos, ChristosCardiac Surgery and Blood Transfusion Products. What Does Really Matter? PDF2017BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Elriedy, Amr Abduo ElsayedA comparison between isoforms clustering methods for PacBio sequencing data and the development of a unique clustering pipeline 2017BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Binder, Stephanie DeborahSupercharacter theories and the isomorphism between supercharacters of unimodular upper-triangular matrices and the ring of symmetric functions in noncommuting variables 2018MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Steinbrüchel, SimoneBoundary Regularity for Minimal surfaces 2018MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Li, KeOptimism-corrected Treatment Effect Estimates in Subgroups Displayed in Forest Plots for Time-to-event Outcomes PDF2018BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Kocher, JanineThe Euler equations of ideal incompressible fluids - classical and weak solutions 2018MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Dukic, CynthiaAn R Package Comparative Analysis Between bnlearn and abn 2018MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Kostyuchenko, NikitaBenchmarking a Regime Switching Model to other Parametric Models 2018MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Isler, TeaSmall sample considerations for anthelmintic resistance tests PDF2018BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Selliah, IswaryaaBV Equivalence between Palatini Gravity and BF Theory in Three Dimensions 2018MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Verzasconi, AlessandroAn Investigation on Roos Bias in RC4 Key Scheduling Algorithm PDF2018MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Ghobrial, KarimSolving scalar non-linear hyperbolic problems using neural network as a discontinuity detector 2018MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Andresen, Silke BeritLow-dimensional Boundaries of CAT(0) Spaces 2018MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Barras, LauraInfectious Disease Forecasting: Using Ensemble Models to Improve Predictions PDF2018BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Rigamonti, Romina CristinaOn the number of zeros of linear combinations of independent characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices 2018Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Canella, AliceDynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates of strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit of BHF theory 2018MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Heimgartner, Laura Daniela DésiréeThe efficient solution of Abel-type integral equations by hierarchical matrix techniques 2018MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Haffter, SiljaStability of Global Strong Solutions to the Hyperdissipative Navier-Stokes Equations in Initial Datum and Fractional Order 2018MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Duò, AngeloComparison of clustering methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data PDF2018BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Panunzi, SilviaModeling the association between eGFR and survival in kidney research PDF2018BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Minelli, PaoloOn the imaginary part of the logarithm of eta and Dedekind sums: two similar constructions 2018MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Hamza, TasnimAnalysis of Credibility for Non-Significant Effects PDF2018BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Suter, AdrienneThe conjugacy problem in groups with small cancellation hypothesis 2018MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Ibrahimi, VeraCoalescence and Shattering - Study of a Competition 2018MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Philps, SandraRandom polynomials: expected number of real roots and distribution of complex roots 2018MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Papagiannoulis, EleftheriosValidation of discrete time-to-event models 2018BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Sele, SilvanoThe variable importance metric LMG applied to Bayesian linear regression models PDF2018BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Schrader, FabienneOn the Birkhoff Normal Form of the sinh-Gordon Equation 2018MathematicsKappeler, Thomas
Bunschoten, AndreasMinimisation of the Condition Number for high order Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Elements 2018MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Christinat, PascalPseudorandom Number Generator from the Finite Field Isomorphism Problem PDF2018MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Villiger, GideonA Variation of Steiner's Porism in Finite Miquelian Möbius Planes of Odd Order PDF2018MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Amato, GiulioBlack-Scholes and Lévy jump diffusion Models 2018MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Gischard, RalphDenumerable Markov chains and the cutoff phenomenon 2018MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Steiner, DavidOn the Definition of Word Hyperbolic Groups 2018MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Rohrer, NicoleGeneralization of Algorithms for Decoding Random Linear Codes PDF2018MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Bolfing, AndreasCryptographic Primitives in Blockchain Technology 2018MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Brennwald, PetraEnumeration of rooted (hyper)maps using corner systems and zonal polynomials 2018MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Scalbi, NinoA construction of the smash product of spectra via (∞, 1)-categories 2019Mathematics
Bächinger, JonasContagion in Financial Networks 2019MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Rabbani, Thi Hoang OanhTrinomial Market Model 2019MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Yang, HairuoDeceleration of Relative Fitness in the Lenski Experiment PDF2019MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Djurdjevic, DanielOption pricing under the CGMY-model: An application of the Fast-Fourier-Transform 2019MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Hartnack, SonjaConfidence, prediction and tolerance intervals in classical and Bayesian settings PDF2019BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Fürstenberger, JonasModels for Short-Term Forecast of River Flooding 2019MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Eugster, JonThe Direct Summand Conjecture 2019MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Spiess, SarahModular forms and Galois representation 2019MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Micheloud, CharlotteSample Size Calculation for Replication Studies PDF2019BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Meili, PeterRandom Forests for Estimation of Heterogenous Treatment Effects from Observational Data: An Empirical Comparison of Generalized Random Forests and Transformation Forests PDF2019BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Merz, KatharinaPoncelet Polygon Sitting in a Special Projective Pencil Are Affinely Regular 2019MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Walder, DavideOverview of Cube Attacks with Analysis of the Stream Cipher Trivium 2019MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Tamási, BálintTransformation models for correlated observations using "Template Model Builder" PDF2019BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Steinauer, AndrejFree and Schottky Groups: Visualizing the patterns of hyperbolic geometry 2019MathematicsSchroeder, Viktor
Braver, MoisejOptimal evaluation of artificial viscosity for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws using machine learning 2019MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Liu, XingluDisability progression in chronic MS patients: Are there typical trajectories? 2019Biostatistics
Himmelspach, NicolasOn continuous selectors for optimal Value-at-Risk portfolios 2019MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pawel, SamuelPredictive Evaluation of Replication Studies PDF2019BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Deflorin, GianThe Homotopy Hypothesis PDF2019MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Waldburger, LinaCompression on random graphs 2019MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Bodenhausen, NatachaPredicting fungal community composition based on soil properties PDF2019BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Stutz, SaschaExact Non-Parametric Confidence Intervals for Log-Odd Ratios Consistent with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test 2019BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Siegfried, SandraCount Transformation Models 2019BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Kreiliger, GiuachinStatistical Assessment of Publication Bias in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews PDF2019BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Stocker, JosefEstimation of Gaussian Random Fields Using Generalized Wendland Functions 2019MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Schüürmann, RaffaelGröbner Basis Algorithms and Applications in Multivariate Cryptography PDF2019MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Hediger, MichaelUrn Models: Towards Applications in Biology PDF2019BiostatisticsBertoin, Jean
Muser, VinzenzParallelization of a High Order Code for Compressible Fluid Dynamics 2019MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Tekle, SenaitFrailty models for right and interval censored disease-free survival in the German CAO / ARO / AIO-04 study: A comparison of R, Stata and SAS implementations 2019BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Lim, Sandar FelicityDynamic network analysis on social behavior of wild house mice PDF2019BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Wittwer, MelenaOn some large random trees and selected asymptotic properties 2019MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Michalopoulou, EleftheriaModeling Competing Risks in Childhood Leukaemia: an Overview and application including a time-dependent exposure 2019BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Musio, FabioComputation of Kontsevich Weights of Connection and Curvature Graphs for Symplectic Poisson Structures 2020MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Bertenghi, MarcoStep reinforced random walks 2020MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Kook, Lucas HeinrichRegularized Transformation Models 2020BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Burch, LukasA Local Bidual Basis for High Order Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Elements in 2D PDF2020MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Meier, MartinaSpannbäume in dualen Graphen 2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Vanetta, ChiaraThe Survivor Average Causal Effect for Outcomes Truncated by Death in RCTs PDF2020BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Daugaard, UriahAnalysis of Behaviors Affecting Predation Success in a Ciliate Predator-Prey System 2020BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Gaia, FilippoNoether Theorems for Lagrangians Involving Fractional Laplacians 2020MathematicsRos-Oton, Xavier
Bariffi, JessicaA Finite Geometry Construction for MDPC-Codes PDF2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Bellini, StefanoRisk Theory and Ruin Probabilities 2020MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Gruica, AninaMDP Convolutional Codes over Zpr PDF2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Croci, LuciaPattern-avoiding inversion sequences 2020MathematicsBouvel, Mathilde
Syleouni, Maria-EleniUse of Historical Data as a Prognostic Score in the Randomized Controlled Trial Design 2020BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Schmocker, JulianLearning algorithms for Boltzmann machines 2020MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Buxy, SamriddhiMixed Model for Wound Healing Rates 2020BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Popova, NataliaError rates of adaptive power priors PDF2020BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Buxy, SamriddhiMixed Model for Wound Healing Rates» 2020BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Gambarara, MarinoThe Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon PDF2020MathematicsFéray, Valentin
Gassner, NiklasWeight induced distance functions on Z/P5Z codes PDF2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Yeo, AudreyClustering analysis of longitudinal data set 2020BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Markwalder, DavidA comparison of information theoretic feature selection- and extraction methods 2020MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Zürcher, NoemiOn the Intractability of Maximum- Likelihood Decoding for Reed–Solomon Self-Dual Codes PDF2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Kissling, SeraphinaPartially Linear Transformation Models 2020BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Deforth, Manja ElisabethStatistical Aspects of Adaptive Pathways in Drug Regulation 2020BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Newman, MarcA Study of Mathematical and Practical Aspects of Isogeny-based Diffie-Hellman PDF2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Sewer, SabrinaPost-Quantum Cryptosystem FrodoPKE Based on the Learning with Errors Problem 2020MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Donati, SoniaThe spaces of constant curvature 2021Mathematics
Stamatova, Mariya MilanovaBottom tangles and surface 3- cobordisms 2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Ouaggag, ZouhairDistribution of curves on homogeneous spaces 2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Schmid, EstherSymetric Webs and the coloured Jones Polynomial 2021Mathematics
Nikodijevic, DanijelaPrecise deviations for Hawkess processes 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Odermatt, YannicSparse Recovery 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Camacho Cadena, FernandoHigher Order Correlations in Parameter Spaces PDF2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander,Ulcigrai, Corinna
Blapp, ChristophShift-scale Transformation models 2021BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Warth, KatjaNicht-Standard Modelle der Peano Arithmetik PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Sutter, Sarina MirjamCorrelation Energy in the Mean-Field Regime for a Fermionic System PDF2021MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
John, OliverIdentification of Potential Risk Factors for Back Pain in Horses: An Analysis Using Additive Bayesian Networks PDF2021BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Heinz, PriskaEvidence from Observational Studies: What is the Role of he Matching Algorithm? PDF2021BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Venzin, AndreiaCastelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and the Complexity of Gröbner Basis Algorithms PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Heri, SebastianClassification and construction of self-duale convolutional code PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Willi, StefanExtensions of Backfitting to Mixed and Spatial Models 2021MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Silingardi, Elena CarolinaMost Recent Common Ancestors in Coalescents and their Relation to Gene Mutations 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Asghari Khonakdari, GhazalehFidelity and transversely intersecting Lagrangians PDF2021MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Elsener, Tran Xuan ThanhHyperparameter tuning in linear anchor regression PDF2021BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Frei, Len BoDe Finetti's Theorem 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Huan, Yu LucyRevenue Management Applications in Passenger Railways 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Balendra, GobikaDPP & Machine Learning 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pitcho, JulesBetween the Eulerian and the Lagrangian formulation of the transport equation: uniqueness and non- uniqueness 2021Mathematics
Lorenzini, PieroAn Application of Deep Generative Models in Credit Risk Modelling 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Küttel, CélineTail approximations for credit risk models 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schiesser, PaulaThe Hardy-Littlewood circle method and applications PDF2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Pfenninger, AndreasThe topological period-index conjecture 2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Chiavi, DeborahEstimating Covid 19 under-reporting in Switzerland 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Van Wyk, NikoAnalysis of a Code-Based Public Key Cryptosysytem having Quasi-Cyclic Structure 2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Dou, ZhiweiAnalysis of Multiple Replication Studies 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Petermann, KatrinPrediction of Functional Outcome After Ischemic Stroke Using Deep and Interpretable Regression Models. PDF2021BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Movsesian, IanaExtension of the Active flux method to arbitrary order of accuracy 2021MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Wildi, ArnoSörgel bimodules, webs, foams and Heegaard Floer Homology PDF2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Kurz, StefanDual Birkhoff Sums for Interval Exchange Transformations 2021MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Loureiro, VanessaClassical Circle Theorems in Miquelian Möbius Planes and a Unifying Approach PDF2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Aktaa, RashaRater training and agreement of ratings in the BIQME study on quality of reporting in biomedical research 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Egli, SimonLarge Deviation Theory and Applications 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Schief, StephanCategorical representations of Artin-Tits groups 2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Sari, AytekinStochastic Volatility and Jump Diffusion Option Pricing Model 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Christen, CarmenSchnelle numerische Methoden zur Approximation einer Lösung der Helmholtz-Gleichung PDF2021MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Janisch, MaximilianStability and uniqueness of (weak) solutions of the Euler equations PDF2021MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Zürcher, Carl RolfThe Decay of Matrix Coefficients of Special Linear Groups over Local Fields PDF2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Huber, NicolasAvoiding overfitting in additive Bayesian networks PDF2021MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
De Gasperi, LorenaCutting Sequences in Dynamics 2021Ulcigrai, Corinna
Festini, LucaEconomic Capital Allocation using Risk Measures and Game Theory 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Herytash, StefanAn exploration of the principal-agent framework: Investigation of model, solution methods and optimal contracts 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Manterola Ayala, IratiCounting rational points on weighted projective spaces over number fields. PDF2021MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Leibovitz, DanielMixtures of Partially Linear Models with Monotone Shape Constraints PDF2022BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Hofer, LisaInterval Score for Comparison of Confidence Intervals PDF2022BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Cai, PeiyingIdentification of Spatially Variable Genes: An Approach Based on edgeR and Statial Clusters PDF2022BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Ng, Mei YeeA predicitve model to determine future lymphocyte counts and development of lymphopenia in Multiple Sclerosis patients on Dimethyl fumarate 2022BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Werder, Kilian FabianConstruction of Rank Metric Convolutional Codes for Random Linear Network Coding PDF2022MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Steigmiller, KlausShift-scaleTransformationModels 2022BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Stocker, DavidFree energy of the Bose gas PDF2022MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Lam Jia Hong, JessicaCitation Generation for Scientific Discussion Generation 2022MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Ma, TengyingziVisual Streak Localization in Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images of Minipics 2022MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Bergamin, MartinMatroids and their q-analogues 2022MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Çiloglu, RizacanHodge Degeneration Theorem PDF2022MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Suter, FlurinaAlcohol Consumption context and association with mortality in Switzerland 2022BiostatisticsRohrmann, Sabine
Fischer, ThomasDirect Misspecification Using a Fully Parametrized Generalized Wendland Covariance Function 2022BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Kazantzidis, GeorgiosImpacts of collinearity on Classical and Bayesian model choice criteria PDF2022BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Schmid, Alain LucaCapparellis identity, a refinement and a generalization PDF2022MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Hoppler, SaschaNexuses of Uniforms: A Family of Uniform Hypergraphs Representing IdealAccess Structures PDF2022MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Schulthess, AndreasTracy-Widom Limit for the Wishart Unitary Ensemble PDF2022MathematicsLambert, Gaultier
Cincera, AnninaThe Consequences of Misspecification in Exponential Random Graph Models PDF2022MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Götschi, AndreaSelected Properties of Random Recursive Trees and their Destruction 2022BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Tarchini, MaricaLattice counting problem through meromorphic continuation of the resolvent 2022MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Guler, Jonas MichaelA comparison of microbial growth models PDF2022MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Hofmann, FelixCovid-19 in Germany: A multivariate analysis of disease spread across time, space and age groups PDF2022BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Zehnder, Livio PeterCentral Limit Theorems in Number Theory and Random Matrix Theory 2022MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Meier, Désirée Meretp-adic Continued Fraction 2022MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Richter, Cornelia FranziskaIs vagotomy associated with an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders? Analysis of a nationwide retrospective cohort. 2022BiostatisticsRohrmann, Sabine
Rakutt, RebekkaPreferential Attachment Models 2022MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Scherrer, RubenAlgorithms for the Simulation of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on the Sphere PDF2022MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Böttger, CarolineRegularly Varying Measures and Hidden Regular Variation 2022MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Iaquinto, StefaniaEvidence Synthesis Methods in Observational Studies 2022BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Schmucki, Andrin RenéThe semigeostrophic equations: physical derivation and weak global existence of solutions PDF2022MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Rutishauser, JosuaUnbalanced Oil & Vinegar and Rainbow Signature Scheme 2022MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Korpinen, VanessaThe distribution of zeros of [zeta] on the critical line 2022MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Moor, PhilippBurrows Wheeler Transformation of Linear Cutting Sequences 2022MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Talarico, SofiaHow to hear the shape of a billiard table 2022MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Olama, HusseinApplications of A1-homotopy theory 2022MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Haas, SeverinaFinite element method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems and its solution by multivariate Newton steps PDF2022MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Spreiter, CorinaAdaptive finite element method for eigenvalue problems PDF2022MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Chan, Uyen Vy JenniferThe unramified Brauer group as an obstruction to the rationality of invariant function fields PDF2022MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Spreiter, Aurelia SusannaAlgebroids, C*-algebras and quantization PDF2022MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Aruanno, ChiaraAnalysis of estimation and optimization approaches for Spatial Processes 2022MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Pagani, Fabian PaulOn dynamical realizations of maximal spectral types and spectral multiplicities 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Somasundaram, VithersanFrom a "Spiel Popeye und miss deine Greifkraft" activity to Swiss norms for handgrip strength PDF2023BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Fang, ZhengThe perimeter cascade in critical Boltzmann quadrangulations decorated by an O(n) loop model 2023MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Sepin, JeromeAssessment of the detrimental effects of collinearity in classical and transformation models PDF2023BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Errera, TizianaInternational Comparison of Treatment and Survival of Elderly Patients with GIST PDF2023BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Josi, JohannesQuantifying the uncertainty in the evolution of dolutegravir resistance in the MARISA-DTG model 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Hofmann, Céline FabienneAn EM Algorithm approach to GLM modeling with varying dispersion under censoring and truncation with an application in insurance claims PDF2023MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Studer, PascalBlack-Scholes model and leveraged financial products PDF2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Brügger, Victoria KatharinaBetween- and Within-Person Assessment of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Postprandial Glucose Levels 2023BiostatisticsRohrmann, Sabine
Bohne, Nis-ErikConforming and non-conforming Finite Element Methods for two-dimensional Stokes flow PDF2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Hansmann, DanaiBounds on the asymptotic rate of block codes PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Capol, CarinaCrouzeix-Raviart Elements for Eigenvalue Problems PDF2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Schmidhuber, SophieOn the structure of foliations on dilation surfaces 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Meili, JoëlDifferential gene regulation 2023BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Bortone, MelanieGuaranteed eigenvalue bound by Crouzeix-Raviart functions in 3D 2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Nor, YulianaIndifferent fixed points of holomorphic maps and regularity properties of Brjuno functions 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Petitpierre, AnoukFusion of heterogeneous data sources in preclinical research – evaluation of ordinary and weighted least squares regression and a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach in R and STAN 2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Signer, JensStrong stability preserving Deferred Correction and its application to Conservation laws 2023MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Destefani, Elisa BarbaraDiffraction and Quasicrystals: between mathematics and physics 2023MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Nägeli, LukasDifferential growth analysis of agricultural Aureobasidium pullulas isolates PDF2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Küng, TamaraFundamental concepts in credit risk modelling 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Rauseo, DianaConstructing cryptographic accumulators from key exchange protocols PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Beceren, BeyazitInterbank networks in modern finance: exploring systemic risk through configuration graphs 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Chong, JunjieGeneralized Reduction and Spinor Decomposition 2023MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Zahiri, FlorinEmergence of Default Cascades in Financial Networks: Assessing Vulnerability to Systemic Risk using Assortative Configuration Graphs 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Gonzalez, IsidroScale space multiresolution decomposition: an implementation for raster data with the Google Earth engine PDF2023MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Konrad, Mikael JonasQuadratic forms and homogeneous dynamics PDF2023MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Zanoli, RenzoGeometric effects in elliptic eigenvalue problems 2023MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Krähenbühl, YvesOverview of classes of MDP convolutional codes and their erasure decoding algorithms PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Gerstner, Sebastian JérômeConcentration inequalities and central limit theorems with dependency graphs PDF2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Bossalini, TatjanaThe ROCA vulnerability: a study on Coppersmith's algorithm and its applications PDF2023MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Philipona, FrederikSimulation of Spatial Transcriptomic Data 2023BiostatisticsRobinson, Mark D.
Meier, AngelaModelling real-world Networks: Generalised Random Graph and Configuration Model PDF2023MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Bührer, Lea RahelForecast of nursing cases in the canton of Thurgau until 2040 based on demographic change, nursing level and health characteristics of senior citizens 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Glapka, AnnaConcentration inequalities and foundations of machine learning 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Canaj, XhenitaConvergence of stochastic gradient descent with AdaGrad stepsizes 2023MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Lanzenberger, SarahBogoliubov theory for weakly interacting Bose gases 2023MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Zhang, PengchengTautological rings of moduli spaces $\bar{M}_{g,n}$ PDF2023MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Jumuga, Tudor-AndreiClinical prediction models for rehospitalization using traditional statistics and machine learning 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Osuna, PabloApplication of modular forms to the sphere packing problem 2023MathematicsBurrin, Claire
Sirotkin, PavelCausal effect of initial opioid dose concentration on clinical outcomes using target trial emulation 2023BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Ping, ChenThe irreducibility of the moduli space of stable curves of given genus 2023MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Füglistaler, Jonas RaphaelEstimating the non-reporting rate of animals used in preclinical research using meta-analytical approaches PDF2023BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Zülle, JoelDynamical stability of ground states of the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system PDF2024MathematicsWidmayer, Klaus
Schalbetter, Sibylle MirjamThe composite Nédélec element: a two-scale approach for Maxwell's equations on complicated domains 2024MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Bammert, Vivien CarolineSecurity of algebraic geometry codes in code-based cryptography PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Menn, LilianHyperelliptic function field lattices: determinant, successive minima, and automorphism groups PDF2024MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Astakhov, GeorgySample size calculation: Implementation of different scenarios for the online tool SampleSizeR PDF2024BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Pruszko, Pawel LukaszProbabilistic results for hyperbolic dynamical systems 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Nikolic, DusanLong-range dependence 2024MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Schneeberger, Maurice HenriIntegrating Explainability in Stroke Outcome Prediction: A Multi-Modal AI Approach Based On Deep Transformation Models 2024BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Zhang, ZhengdongAlgebraic vector bundles from a homotopic point of view PDF2024MathematicsAyoub, Joseph
Bottoni, Mattia LucianoTeaching "Foundations of Mathematics" with the LEAN Theorem Prover PDF2024MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Schüpbach, Delia LuanaAnalysis of spatio-temporal fly distribution patterns and influential factors 2024MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Wohlfender, BettinaOn the consistency of regularity properties of the real numbers PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Solari, MicheleA comprehensive study on fractal sets and dimensions PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Griesshammer, Ira AntjePure jump Lévy processes for option pricing models 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pletscher, JennyMixtures of binomial distributions and applications to credit risk 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Fioroni, EneaFlows on the modular surface and continued fractions PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Stadler, RomanMaximum Likelihood Inference for Unstructured Gaussian Copulas 2024BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Sriram, RathesMathematical Modeling of Polarization 2024MathematicsBovet, Alexandre
Djokic, KatarinaOptimal Portfolio and Consumption Decisions in Continuous-Time 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Romero Mooser, OswaldoThe Hadamard-Perron Theorems: Uniform, Non-uniform, and Effective Hyperbolicity 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Althaus, SalomeDynamics on Hyperbolic Surfaces with Quantitative Estimates PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Huang, Carolyne JieA simulation study to quantify successful translation of results from preclinical studies to human trials PDF2024BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Mita, RubensA Bayesian Perspective on Drug Approval 2024BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Rusconi, TimoteoConstructing bounds for the discrepancy of sequences PDF2024MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Teider, Diana PatriziaCounting Points on Curves over Finite Fields, a Comparison to the Hasse-Weil Bound PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Akai, JoëlUnderstanding Model Dependancy Through Dependancy Graphs: A Cumulant-Based Approach 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Haibach, LillemorDiagnostics, Implications and Handling of Collinearity in Linear Models PDF2024BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Bader, RogerExploring Generative and Forecasting Capabilities of Restricted Boltzmann Machines 2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Yang, XinyuApplication of Filtering Theory to Intensity-Based Credit Risk Models 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Wang, QinlingModeling limit Order Book Dynamics with Hawkes Processes 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Kopp, JensCode Based Cryptography and Algebraic Geometry Codes PDF2024MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Riner, DeliaOptimal Stepping and Free-Boundary Problems 2024MathematicsCoculescu, Delia Marina
Robbiani, SabrinaTiling Billiards 2024MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Falconer-Stout, Gabriel MarieDifferentiating large mining projects in SSA to produce varying impacts on measured health outcomes PDF2024BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Rey, Vanessa AnnaConnectedness and Giant Component in the Stochastic Block Model PDF2024MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pfister, ManuelInferential Seamless Designs for Treatment Selection during a Phase II/III Study in Oncology PDF2024BiostatisticsRoos, Malgorzata
Alimehaj, Blerimb-Symbol Weight Distribution of Cyclic Codes PDF2025MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Häberling, MartinaMarkov Chains and Mixing Times PDF2025MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Shala, ErmiraStein’s Method of Distributional Approximation 2025MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Kurmann, LuanaCayley Graphs with Large Girth and Constructions of LDPC Codes PDF2025MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Kaufmann, MichaelMatingales in random trees and their applications PDF2025MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Sriranjan, AtchuthanAsymptotic Growth on Veech Surfaces: An Analysis of Saddle Connections 2025MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Schweighoffer, MartinImproved Upper Bound for the Ground State Energy of Bosons Interacting with Hard Sphere Potential PDF2025MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
Dell' Angelo, DavideBrownian Motion and Complex Analysis PDF2025MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Solfrini, DavideRates of Convergence of P´olya Urns and Measure-Valued P´olya Processes PDF2025MathematicsBertoin, Jean