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AutorTitelJahrMSc inModulverantwortliche/r
Donati, SoniaThe spaces of constant curvature 2021Mathematics
Stamatova, Mariya MilanovaBottom tangles and surface 3- cobordisms 2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Ouaggag, ZouhairDistribution of curves on homogeneous spaces 2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Schmid, EstherSymetric Webs and the coloured Jones Polynomial 2021Mathematics
Nikodijevic, DanijelaPrecise deviations for Hawkess processes 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Odermatt, YannicSparse Recovery 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Camacho Cadena, FernandoHigher Order Correlations in Parameter Spaces PDF2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander,Ulcigrai, Corinna
Blapp, ChristophShift-scale Transformation models 2021BiostatisticsHothorn, Torsten
Warth, KatjaNicht-Standard Modelle der Peano Arithmetik PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Sutter, Sarina MirjamCorrelation Energy in the Mean-Field Regime for a Fermionic System PDF2021MathematicsSchlein, Benjamin
John, OliverIdentification of Potential Risk Factors for Back Pain in Horses: An Analysis Using Additive Bayesian Networks PDF2021BiostatisticsFurrer, Reinhard
Heinz, PriskaEvidence from Observational Studies: What is the Role of he Matching Algorithm? PDF2021BiostatisticsHeld, Ulrike
Venzin, AndreiaCastelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and the Complexity of Gröbner Basis Algorithms PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Heri, SebastianClassification and construction of self-duale convolutional code PDF2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Willi, StefanExtensions of Backfitting to Mixed and Spatial Models 2021MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
Silingardi, Elena CarolinaMost Recent Common Ancestors in Coalescents and their Relation to Gene Mutations 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Asghari Khonakdari, GhazalehFidelity and transversely intersecting Lagrangians PDF2021MathematicsCattaneo, Alberto
Elsener, Tran Xuan ThanhHyperparameter tuning in linear anchor regression PDF2021BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Frei, Len BoDe Finetti's Theorem 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Huan, Yu LucyRevenue Management Applications in Passenger Railways 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Balendra, GobikaDPP & Machine Learning 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Pitcho, JulesBetween the Eulerian and the Lagrangian formulation of the transport equation: uniqueness and non- uniqueness 2021Mathematics
Lorenzini, PieroAn Application of Deep Generative Models in Credit Risk Modelling 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Küttel, CélineTail approximations for credit risk models 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Schiesser, PaulaThe Hardy-Littlewood circle method and applications PDF2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Pfenninger, AndreasThe topological period-index conjecture 2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Chiavi, DeborahEstimating Covid 19 under-reporting in Switzerland 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Van Wyk, NikoAnalysis of a Code-Based Public Key Cryptosysytem having Quasi-Cyclic Structure 2021MathematicsRosenthal, Joachim
Dou, ZhiweiAnalysis of Multiple Replication Studies 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Petermann, KatrinPrediction of Functional Outcome After Ischemic Stroke Using Deep and Interpretable Regression Models. PDF2021BiostatisticsSick, Beate
Movsesian, IanaExtension of the Active flux method to arbitrary order of accuracy 2021MathematicsAbgrall, Rémi
Wildi, ArnoSörgel bimodules, webs, foams and Heegaard Floer Homology PDF2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Kurz, StefanDual Birkhoff Sums for Interval Exchange Transformations 2021MathematicsUlcigrai, Corinna
Loureiro, VanessaClassical Circle Theorems in Miquelian Möbius Planes and a Unifying Approach PDF2021MathematicsKresch, Andrew
Aktaa, RashaRater training and agreement of ratings in the BIQME study on quality of reporting in biomedical research 2021BiostatisticsHeld, Leonhard
Egli, SimonLarge Deviation Theory and Applications 2021MathematicsBertoin, Jean
Schief, StephanCategorical representations of Artin-Tits groups 2021MathematicsBeliakova, Anna
Sari, AytekinStochastic Volatility and Jump Diffusion Option Pricing Model 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Christen, CarmenSchnelle numerische Methoden zur Approximation einer Lösung der Helmholtz-Gleichung PDF2021MathematicsSauter, Stefan
Janisch, MaximilianStability and uniqueness of (weak) solutions of the Euler equations PDF2021MathematicsDe Lellis, Camillo
Zürcher, Carl RolfThe Decay of Matrix Coefficients of Special Linear Groups over Local Fields PDF2021MathematicsGorodnik, Alexander
Huber, NicolasAvoiding overfitting in additive Bayesian networks PDF2021MathematicsFurrer, Reinhard
De Gasperi, LorenaCutting Sequences in Dynamics 2021Ulcigrai, Corinna
Festini, LucaEconomic Capital Allocation using Risk Measures and Game Theory 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Herytash, StefanAn exploration of the principal-agent framework: Investigation of model, solution methods and optimal contracts 2021MathematicsNikeghbali, Ashkan
Manterola Ayala, IratiCounting rational points on weighted projective spaces over number fields. PDF2021MathematicsAyoub, Joseph