Prof. Dr. Andrew Kresch

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Office: Y27K38
Field of Research:
Algebraische Geometrie
Grit Schütze

+41 44 635 58 00

Lectures & Seminars

Student seminars
Seminar on Galois Theory
Andrew Kresch

Commutative algebra

Exercises Commutative algebra


A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Birational geometry of Deligne-Mumford stacks
preprint PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Unramified Brauer group of quotient spaces by finite groups
preprint PDF  

A. Kresch, S. Mathur
Formal GAGA for gerbes
preprint PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Burnside groups and orbifold invariants of birational maps
preprint PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Equivariant Burnside groups: structure and operations
preprint PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Cohomology of finite subgroups of the plane Cremona group
Algebraic Geom. and Physics, to appear PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Equivariant Burnside groups and toric varieties
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 72 (2023), 3013-3039 PDF  

B. Hassett, A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Stable rationality in smooth families of threefolds
Duke Math. J. 172 (2023), 1145-1172 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Fibrations in sextic del Pezzo surfaces with mild singularities
Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 148 (2022), 65-82 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Equivariant Burnside groups and representation theory
Selecta Math. 28 (2022), Article No. 81 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Equivariant birational types and Burnside volume
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 23 (2022), 1013-1052 PDF  

B. Hassett, A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Symbols and equivariant birational geometry in small dimensions
in Rationality of Varieties, Progr. Math. 342, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2021, pp. 201-236 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Brauer groups of involution surface bundles
Pure Appl. Math. Q. 17 (2021), 649-669 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Birational types of algebraic orbifolds
Mat. Sb. 212:3 (2021), 54-67 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Arithmetic properties of equivariant birational types
Res. Number Theory 7 (2021), Article No. 27 PDF  

A. Kresch
Descent of vector bundles under wildly ramified extensions
Eur. J. Math. 6 (2020), 1255-1263 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Involution surface bundles over surfaces
Math. Zeitschrift 296 (2020), 1081-1100 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Stable rationality of Brauer-Severi surface bundles
Manuscripta Math. 161 (2020), 1-14 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Models of Brauer-Severi surface bundles
Moscow Math. J. 19 (2019), 549-595 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Models of triple covers
Mat. Zametki 105 (2019), 798-800 PDF  

A. Kresch
Destackification with restricted root operations
Eur. J. Math. 4 (2018), 1421-1432 PDF  

A. Kresch
On the spaces generated by vectors with coordinates in incomplete residue systems
Res. Math. Sci. 5 (2018), Article No. 36 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
A Giambelli formula for isotropic Grassmannians
Selecta Math. 23 (2017), 869-914 PDF  

J. Alper, A. Kresch
Equivariant versal deformations of semistable curves
Michigan Math. J. 65 (2016), 227-250 PDF  

B. Hassett, A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Stable rationality and conic bundles
Math. Ann. 365 (2016), 1201-1217 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, K. Purbhoo, H. Tamvakis
The puzzle conjecture for the cohomology of two-step flag manifolds
J. Algebraic Combin. 44 (2016), 973-1007 PDF  

B. Hassett, A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
On the moduli of degree 4 Del Pezzo surfaces
in Development of Moduli Theory (Kyoto 2013), Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 69, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2016, pp. 349-386 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
A Giambelli formula for even orthogonal Grassmannians
J. Reine Angew. Math. 708 (2015), 17-48 PDF  

B. Kim, A. Kresch, Y.-G. Oh
A compactification of the space of maps from curves
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 51-74 PDF  

B. Hassett, A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Effective computation of Picard groups and Brauer-Manin obstructions of degree two K3 surfaces over number fields
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 62 (2013), 137-151 PDF  

A. Kresch
Flattening stratification and the stack of partial stabilizations of prestable curves
Bull. London Math. Soc. 45 (2013), 93-102 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Quantum Giambelli formulas for isotropic Grassmannians
Math. Ann. 354 (2012), 801-812 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Effectivity of Brauer-Manin obstructions on surfaces
Adv. Math. 226 (2011), 4131-4144 PDF  

A. Kresch
CW complexes for complex algebraic surfaces
Experiment. Math. 19 (2010), 413-419 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Quantum Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians
Invent. Math. 178 (2009), 345-405 PDF  

A. Kresch
On the geometry of Deligne-Mumford stacks
in Algebraic Geometry (Seattle, 2005), Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 80, Part 1, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, pp. 259-271 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Two examples of Brauer-Manin obstruction to integral points
Bull. London Math. Soc. 40 (2008), 995-1001. PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Effectivity of Brauer-Manin obstructions
Adv. Math. 218 (2008), 1-27 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, M. Shimozono, H. Tamvakis, A. Yong
Stable Grothendieck polynomials and K-theoretic factor sequences
Math. Ann. 340 (2008), 359-382 PDF  

A. Kresch
Flag varieties and Schubert calculus
in Algebraic Groups (Proc. Summer School, Göttingen, 2005), Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, 2007, pp. 73-86. PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis, A. Yong
Grothendieck polynomials and quiver formulas
Amer. J. Math. 127 (2005), 551-567 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
On the arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 89 (2004), 545-569 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Littlewood-Richardson rules for Grassmannians
Adv. Math. 185 (2004), 80-90 PDF  

N. D. Elkies, E. W. Howe, A. Kresch, B. Poonen, J. L. Wetherell, M. E. Zieve
Curves of every genus with many points, II: Asymptotically good families
Duke Math. J. 122 (2004), 399-422 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis, A. Yong
Schubert polynomials and quiver formulas
Duke Math. J. 122 (2004), 125-143 PDF  

A. Kresch, A. Vistoli
On coverings of Deligne-Mumford stacks and surjectivity of the Brauer map
Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004), 188-192 PDF  

A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Quantum cohomology of orthogonal Grassmannians
Compositio Math. 140 (2004), 482-500 PDF  

A. S. Buch, A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Gromov-Witten invariants on Grassmannians
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 901-915 PDF  

A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Quantum cohomology of the Lagrangian Grassmannian
J. Algebraic Geom. 12 (2003), 777-810 PDF  

B. Kim, A. Kresch, T. Pantev
Functoriality in intersection theory and a conjecture of Cox, Katz, and Lee
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 179 (2003), 127-136 PDF  

A. Kresch
Hodge-theoretic obstruction to the existence of quaternion algebras
Bull. London Math. Soc. 35 (2003), 109-116 PDF  

A. Kresch, Yu. Tschinkel
Integral points on punctured abelian surfaces
in Algorithmic Number Theory ANTS-V (Sydney, 2002), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 2369, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, pp. 198-204 PDF  

A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Double Schubert polynomials and degeneracy loci for the classical groups
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 52 (2002), 1681-1727 PDF  

A. Kresch, J. L. Wetherell, M. E. Zieve
Curves of every genus with many points, I: Abelian and toric families
J. Algebra 250 (2002), 353-370 PDF  

A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis
Standard conjectures for the arithmetic Grassmannian G(2,N) and Racah polynomials
Duke Math J. 110 (2001), 359-376 PDF  

D. Edidin, B. Hassett, A. Kresch, A. Vistoli
Brauer groups and quotient stacks
Amer. J. Math. 123 (2001), 761-777 PDF  

A. Kresch
Gromov-Witten invariants of a class of toric varieties
Michigan Math. J. 48 (2000), 369-391 PDF  

A. Kresch
Cycle groups for Artin stacks
Invent. Math. 138 (1999), 495-536 PDF  

A. Kresch
Canonical rational equivalence of intersections of divisors
Invent. Math. 136 (1999), 483-496 PDF  

A. Kresch
Associativity relations in quantum cohomology
Adv. Math. 142 (1999), 151-169 PDF  


Dr. Dmitriy Rumynin, University of Warwick (Warwick)
Talk: tba
07.03.25 - 07.07.25Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
11.11.24 - 13.11.24Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
01.11.24 - 05.11.24Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Raman Parimala, Emory University (Atlanta)
25.06.24 - 28.06.24Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
25.06.24 - 29.06.24Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
10.07.22 - 21.07.22Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Siddharth Mathur, Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay) (Paris)
Talk: Searching for the impossible Azumaya algebra
16.04.22 - 30.04.22Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Christian Dalhausen,
16.08.21 - 20.08.21Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Siddharth Mathur, Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay) (Paris)
07.03.20 - 12.03.20Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Andrea Di Lorenzo, Universität Aarhus (Aarhus)
01.12.19 - 18.12.19Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Adeel Khan, Universität Regensburg (Regensburg)
01.12.19 - 08.12.19Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
09.05.19 - 10.05.19Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Dmitriy Rumynin, University of Warwick (Warwick)
Talk: Quest for D-Affinity
04.03.19 - 15.09.19Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
14.12.18 - 16.12.18Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Wushi Goldring, Stockholm University (Stockholm )
Talk: The Griffiths bundle is generated by group theory
02.11.18 - 23.12.18Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Dan Edidin, University of Missouri (Columbia, MO)
06.10.18 - 11.10.18Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Reda Boumasmoud, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
08.08.18 - 31.12.18Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
25.09.17 - 27.09.17Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Brian Conrad, Stanford University (Stanford)
14.07.17 - 15.07.17Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Brian Conrad, Stanford University (Stanford)
08.07.17 - 09.07.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
07.07.17 - 09.07.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Harry Tamvakis, University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
21.05.17 - 03.06.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
04.05.17 - 07.05.17Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Sergey Galkin, Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow )
22.03.17 - 31.03.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Vasily Golyshev, The Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
09.03.17 - 12.03.17Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Don Zagier,
09.03.17 - 12.03.17Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Olivier Benoist, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
06.03.17 - 08.05.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
05.01.17 - 10.01.17Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Christian Boehning, University of Warwick (Warwick)
20.12.16 - 20.12.16Kresch, Andrew
Rafael von Kaenel, Princeton University (Princeton)
Talk: Integral points on Hilbert modular varieties
19.12.16 - 23.12.16Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Giovanni Mongardi, University Milano (University Milano)
12.12.16 - 15.12.16Kresch, Andrew
Nikon Kurnosov, Higher School of Economics (Moskau)
28.11.16 - 30.11.16Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Chiara Camere, Universita degli studi di Milano (Milano)
20.11.16 - 23.11.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Wushi Goldring, Stockholm University (Stockholm )
Talk: Ampleness of automorphic bundles and a conjecture of Diamond
03.11.16 - 23.12.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
15.10.16 - 18.10.16Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Costya Shramov, Steklov Mathematical Institute + Higher School of Economics (Moskau)
17.09.16 - 23.09.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
23.06.16 - 26.06.16Kresch, Andrew
Lucia Mocz, Princeton University (Princeton)
21.06.16 - 02.07.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Shou-Wu Zhang, Princeton University (Princeton)
18.06.16 - 26.06.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
23.04.16 - 26.04.16Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Pieter Jan Bruin, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden, Netherlands)
17.03.16 - 19.03.16Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Stephen Coughlan, Leibnitz Universität (Hannover)
08.03.16 - 11.03.16Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
10.08.15 - 13.08.15Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Pieter Jan Bruin, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden, Netherlands)
09.03.15 - 12.03.15Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
20.12.14 - 24.12.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
25.11.14 - 28.11.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jarod Alper, ANU / Humboldt Universität (Canberra, Australia)
Talk: A Luna etale slice theorem for algebraic stacks
23.11.14 - 25.11.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
25.07.14 - 30.07.14Kresch, Andrew
Tony Yue Yu, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Paris)
Talk: Gromov compactness in non-Archimedean analytic geometry
25.05.14 - 26.05.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Carlos Simpson, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis (Nice)
Talk: Harmonic maps to buildings and spectral networks
19.05.14 - 21.05.14Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Benjamin Antieau, University of Washington (Seattle)
Talk: Derived categories of genus one curves
09.03.14 - 14.03.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Vasily Golyshev, The Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Talk: Gamma conjecture for rank one Fano threefolds
23.02.14 - 25.02.14Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Gunther Cornelissen, University of Utrecht (Utrecht)
Talk: Dynamical systems, point counting and reconstruction of curves
16.12.13 - 17.12.13Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Ulrich Derenthal, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (München)
Talk: Strong approximation and descent
09.12.13 - 10.12.13Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Norbert Hoffmann, Mary Immaculate College (Limerick)
Talk: Rational families of instanton bundles on P^{2n+1}
01.12.13 - 02.12.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Ezra Getzler, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University (Evanston)
Talk: Higher groupoids
12.11.13 - 13.11.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Kristian Ranestad, University of Oslo (Oslo)
Talk: Varieties of sums of powers of a cubic 4-folds
08.11.13 - 11.11.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jarod Alper, ANU / Humboldt Universität (Canberra, Australia)
07.10.13 - 12.10.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
05.08.13 - 08.08.13Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Lassina Dembélé, University of Warwick (Warwick)
Talk: Examples of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction
16.06.13 - 23.06.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
31.05.13 - 02.06.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Dan Edidin, University of Missouri (Columbia, MO)
Talk: Riemann-Roch for Deligne-Mumford stacks
27.05.13 - 03.06.13Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Harry Tamvakis, University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
29.04.13 - 06.05.13Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Filip Najman, University of Zagreb (Zagreb)
25.02.13 - 01.03.13Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Alberto López Martín, Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts)
16.12.12 - 21.12.12Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Tim Browning, University of Bristol
Talk: How frequently does the Hasse principle fail?
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Ulrich Derenthal, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (München)
Talk: Values of quadratic polynomials represented by norms
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
Talk: Mathematics around Kim's method
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Gajda, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan
Talk: Independence of l-adic representations over function fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. David Harari, Université de Paris-Sud
Talk: The unramified Brauer group of a homogeneous space
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Yonatan Harpaz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Talk: The Relative Étale Shape and Rational Points
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Yongqi Liang, Université de Paris-Sud
Talk: Brauer-Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on rationally connected varieties defined over number fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Dino J. Lorenzini, University of Georgia
Talk: An Avoidance Lemma and a Moving Lemma for families
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Lilian Matthiesen, University of Bristol
Talk: Rational points on conic bundle surfaces via additive combinatorics
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jakob Stix, Universität Frankfurt
Talk: On the birational section conjecture with local conditions
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Bianca Viray, Brown University
Talk: Vertical Brauer elements and del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Olivier Wittenberg, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Talk: Divisibility of Chow groups of 0-cycles of varieties over strictly local fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Trevor Wooley, University of Bristol
Talk: Weak approximation for rational morphisms from the projective line to a diagonal hypersurface
10.09.12 - 14.09.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Daniel Gillam, Department of Mathematics, Brown University
28.05.12 - 31.05.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Michele Bolognesi, Université de Rennes 1
14.05.12 - 18.05.12Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Shane Kelly, Australian National University Canberra
Talk: An application of a theorem of Gabber on alterations to algebraic K-theory via a new Grothendieck topology.
01.05.12 - 02.05.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jarod Alper, ANU / Humboldt Universität (Canberra, Australia)
03.04.12 - 08.04.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Talk: On symmetries of K3, its associated CFTs and the Mathieu group M_{24}
25.02.12 - 28.02.12Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Jonathan Wise, Stanford University
20.02.12 - 27.02.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jaroslaw Buczynski, Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warszawa)
01.02.12 - 04.02.12Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University
Talk: Symmetric output feedback control and isotropic Schubert calculus
03.12.11 - 06.12.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Campana, Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
Talk: An orbifold version of Miyaoka's generic semi-positivity theorem
31.10.11 - 01.11.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. David Jensen, Department of Mathematics, Stony Brook University
26.09.11 - 30.09.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
19.08.11 - 23.08.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Alberto López Martín, Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts)
14.08.11 - 18.08.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Alessio Corti, Imperial College London
Talk: Extremal Laurent Polynomials and Fano Manifolds
27.05.11 - 30.05.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Philipp Gross, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Talk: The resolution property of algebraic stacks
06.05.11 - 10.05.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Andrei Zelevinsky, Northeastern University
Talk: Cluster algebras via quivers with potentials
18.04.11 - 20.04.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Oren Ben-Bassat, University of Haifa
Talk: Holomorphic Gerbes on Complex Tori and other Varieties
14.04.11 - 19.04.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Kapustka, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie (Krakowie)
10.04.11 - 16.04.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Victor Przyjalkowski, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow
Talk: Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models.
Talk: Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models I
Talk: Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models II
Talk: Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models III
10.04.11 - 17.04.11Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Kai Behrend, University of British Columbia
17.03.11 - 22.03.11Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Jörg Jahnel, Universität Siegen
15.12.10 - 17.12.10Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. David Rydh, KTH Stockholm
Talk: Stacky blow-ups, étalification, and compactification of Deligne--Mumford stacks
18.10.10 - 20.10.10Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Dzmitry Doryn, Universität Duisburg-Essen
31.05.10 - 04.06.10Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
24.05.10 - 01.06.10Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Timothy Logvinenko, Warwick Mathematics Institute
22.05.10 - 30.05.10Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Helena Soares, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Talk: Cohomological characterisation of vector bundles
07.05.10 - 11.05.10Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Angelo Vistoli, Scuola Normale Superiore
Talk: The essential dimension of a curve
13.12.09 - 16.12.09Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Giansiracusa, University of Swansea
09.12.09 - 12.12.09Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Alena Pirutka, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
22.09.09 - 25.09.09Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
07.05.09 - 30.05.09Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Jianqiang Zhao, Eckerd College, Florida
06.05.09 - 10.05.09Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
16.08.08 - 21.08.08Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Nero Budur, University of Notre Dame
09.06.08 - 13.06.08Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Tamás Szamuely, Alfréd Rényi Institute (Budapest)
Talk: 1-motives and rational points
24.05.08 - 28.05.08Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Per Salberger, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
12.05.08 - 21.05.08Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Emmanuel Peyre, Institut Fourier
Talk: Noether's problem
06.04.08 - 12.04.08Kresch, Andrew
Fabio Nironi, Sissa
01.02.08 - 29.02.08Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Harry Tamvakis, University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
13.12.07 - 24.12.07Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Alexandr Usnich, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
05.12.07 - 14.12.07Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Barbara Fantechi,
22.11.07 - 25.11.07Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Joseph Ayoub, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Operations on the singular cohomology of algebraic varieties
15.11.07 - 15.12.07Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
13.08.07 - 15.08.07Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Irene Bouw,
Talk: Teichmueller curves and triangle groups
16.06.07 - 18.06.07Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Tim Browning, University of Bristol
30.05.07 - 01.06.07Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
24.11.06 - 27.11.06Kresch, Andrew