Prof. Dr. Joachim Rosenthal

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Office: Y27K34
Field of Research:
Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie
Franziska Robmann

+41 44 635 58 31

Lectures & Seminars

Research seminars
Neuchatel - St.Gallen - Zurich Seminar in Coding Theory and Cryptography
Elisa Gorla, Anna-Lena Horlemann, Joachim Rosenthal


Exercises Cryptography Gr 1

Exercises Cryptography Gr 2


Übungen Cryptography Gruppe 1

Übungen Cryptography Gruppe 2


Updated publication links

University of Zürich - ZORA

Google Scholar

Journal publications

J. A. Lopez Ramos, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani, R. Schnyder
An Application of Group Theory in Confidential Network Communications
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, doi: 10.1002/mma.4244. PDF  

J.A. Alvarez-Bermejo, J. A. Lopez Ramos, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
Managing key multicasting through orthogonal systems,
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 20(8), 1721-1740. PDF  

J. A. Lopez Ramos, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani, R. Schnyder
Group key management based on semigroup actions
Journal of Algebra and its applications, Vol. 16. PDF  

R. Schnyder, J. A. Lopez Ramos, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
An Active Attack on a Multiparty Key Exchange Protocol
Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications, 3(1), 2016, pp.31-36 PDF  

M. Baldi, M. Bianchi, F. Chiaraluce, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
Enhanced public key security for the McEliece cryptosystem,
Journal of Cryptology, 29(1), 2016, pp. 1-27. PDF  

J. Rosenthal, N. Silberstein, A.-L. Horlemann
On the Geometry of Balls in the Grassmannian and List Decoding of Lifted Gabidulin Codes
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, published electronically February 2014.    arxXv

A.-L. Horlemann, F. Manganiello, M. Braun, J. Rosenthal
Cyclic Orbit Codes
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 59(11):7386--7404, November 2013.    arXiv

J. Rosenthal, A.-L. Horlemann
A Complete Characterization of Irreducible Cyclic Orbit Codes and their Plücker Embedding
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 66(1--3):275--289, 2013.    arXiv

V. Tomás Estevan, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Decoding of Convolutional Codes Over the Erasure Channel
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 58(1):90 --108, 2012.    arxiv:cs/1006.3156

E. Gorla, F. Manganiello, J. Rosenthal
An Algebraic approach for Decoding Spread Codes
Adv. in Math. of Communications, 6(4):443--466, 2012.

M. Elia, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
Polynomial evaluation over finite fields: new algorithms and complexity bounds,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2012, Vol. 23(3), pp.129-141. PDF  

G. Maze, J. Rosenthal, U. Wagner
Natural Density of Rectangular Unimodular Integer Matrices
Lin. Alg. and its Applications, Vol 434, no 5, 1 March 2011, Pages 1319-1324.    [pdf arXiv]

C. Kelley, D. Sridhara, J. Rosenthal
Zig-Zag and Replacement Product Graphs and LDPC Codes
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, vol 2, no. 4 (2008), 347--372. PDF   arXiv:cs/0611155

G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal
Public Key Cryptography based on Semigroup Actions.
Adv. in Math. of Communications. 1(4), 489-507, 2007. PDF   arXiv:cs/0501017

C. Kelley, D. Sridhara, J. Rosenthal
Tree-Based Construction of LDPC Codes Having Good Pseudocodeword Weights
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53(4): 1460-1478, 2007. PDF  

J. Climent, E. Gorla, J. Rosenthal
Cryptanalysis of the CFVZ cryptosystem
Adv. in Math. of Communications 1, no. 1 (2007), 1-11 PDF   Article

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal,  Wang
Output feedback pole assignment for transfer functions with symmetries
SIAM J. Control Optim., 45(5): 1898-1914, 2006. PDF   E-print math.OC/0511112

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Unitary space time constellation analysis: An upper bound for the diversity,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52(10): 4713-4721, 2006. PDF  

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Geometrical and numerical design of structured unitary space time constellations,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52(8): 3722-3735, 2006. PDF   E-print math.OC/0312170

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Strongly MDS-convolutional codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52(2):584-598, 2006. PDF   E-print math.RA/0303254

R. Hutchinson, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Convolutional codes with maximum distance profile
Systems & Control Letters, 54(1):53-63, 2005.    E-print math.OC/0307196

D. N. Hoover, R. Longchamp, J. Rosenthal
Two-degree-of-freedom \ell_2-optimal tracking with preview
Automatica, 40(1):155-162, 2004.   

M. Kim, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Pole placement and matrix extension probolems: A common point of view
SIAM J. Control Optim., 42(6):2078-2093, 2004. PDF  

J. Rosenthal
A polynomial description of the Rijndael advanced encryption standard
J. Algebra Appl., 2(2):223-236, 2003. PDF  

U. Helmke, M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal
Output feedback invariants
Linear Algbra Appl., 351-352:623-637, 2002. PDF  

Blondel,  Hinrichsen, J. Rosenthal
Fourth special issue on linear systems and control, preface
Linear Algebra Appl., 351-352:1-9, 2002.    Article

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
The multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problem over an algebraically closed field
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 23(2)517-523, 2001 PDF  

R. Smarandache, H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal
Constructions of MDS-convolutional codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 47(5):2045-2049, 2001 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, A. Zelevinsky
Multiplicities of points on Schubert varieties in Grassmannians
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 13:213-218, 2001    E-print math.AG/9901057

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Eigenvalue completions by affine varities
Proc. of Amer. math. Soc., 128(3):643-646, 2000 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Maximum distance separable convolutional codes
Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput., 10(1):15-32, 1999 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
BCH convolutional codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 45(6):1833-1844, 1999 PDF  

J. Leventides, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
The pole placement problem via PI feedback controllers
Internat. J. Control, 72(12):1065-1077, 1999    PS

B. Allen, J. Rosenthal
A matrix Euclidean algorithm induced by state space realization
Linear Algebra Appl., 288:105-121, 1999 PDF  

V. Lomadze, M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal
A behavioral approach to singular systems
Acta Appl. Math., 54(3):331-344, 1998   

J. Rosenthal, F. Sottile
Some remarks on real and complex output feedback
Systems & Control Letters, 33(2):73-80, 1998    Further details on this paper

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Degree of the generalized Plucker embedding of a quot scheme and quantum cohomology
Math. Ann., 311(1):11-26, 1998    E-print alg-geom/9402011

W. Helton, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Matrix extensions and eigenvalue completions, the generic case
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349(8):3401-3408, 1997 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
Realization by inspection
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., AC-42(9):1257-1263, 1997 PDF  

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
Homogeneous behaviors
Math. Contr., Sign., and Syst., 10:61-75, 1997    PS

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
A controllability test for general first-order representations
Automatica, 33(2):193-201, 1997   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
On the generalized Hamming weights of convolutional codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , 43(1):330-335, 1997 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
On behaviors and convolutional codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 42(6):1881-1891, 1996 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Output feedback pole placement with dynamic compensators
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., AC-41(6):830-843, 1996 PDF  

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Dynamic pole assignment and Schubert calculus
SIAM J. Control Optim., 34(3):813-832, 1996    PDF

J. Rosenthal
An observability criterion for dynamical systems governed by Riccati differential equations
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., AC-41(3):434-436, 1996 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher, J. C. Willems
Generic eigenvalue assignment by memoryless real output feedback
Systems & Control Letters, 26:253-260, 1995    Further details on this paper

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
On decentralized dynamic pole placement and feedback stabilization
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., AC-40(9):1603-1614, 1995 PDF  

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal
A general realization theory for higher order linear differential equations
Systems & Control Letters, 25(5):351-360, 1995   

B. K. Ghosh, J. Rosenthal
A generalized Popov-Belevitch-Hautus test of observability
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, AC-40(1):176-180, 1995 PDF  

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal
Eigenvalue inequalities and Schubert calculus
Mathematische Nachrichten, 171:207-225, 1995 PDF   Journal site

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
On generic stabilizability and pole assignability
Systems & Control Letters, 23(2):79-84, 1994   

X. Wang, J. Rosenthal
A cell structure for the set of autoregressive systems
Linear Algebra Appl., 205/206:1203-1226, 1994 PDF  

J. Rosenthal, M. K. Sain, X. Wang
Topological considerations for autoregressive systems with fixed Kronecker indices
Circuits Systems Signal Process, 13(2-3):295-308, 1994   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal
A smooth compactification of the space of transfer functions with fixed McMillan degree
Acta Appl. Math, 34:329-352, 1994 PDF  

J. Rosenthal
On dynamic feedback compensation and compactification of systems
SIAM J. Control Optim., 32(1):279-296, 1994 PDF  

J. Rosenthal
A compactification of the space of multivariable linear systmes using geometric invariant theory
Journal of Math. Systems, Estimation & Control, 2(1):111-121, 1992   

J. Rosenthal
New results in pole assignment by real output feedback
SIAM J. Conrol Optim., 30(1):203-211, 1992 PDF  

Chapter of Books

K. Marshall, D. Schipani, A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
Subspace Fuzzy Vault,
Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 358, pp. 163-172. PDF  

J. Rosenthal, A.-L. Horlemann
Decoding Subspace Codes, a Problem of Schubert Calculus over Finite Fields

In Mathematical System Theory -- Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, pages 353-366, Create Space.    Whole Volume

J. Rosenthal
Der Mathematiker Emanuel Lasker
In R. Forster, S. Hansen, and M. Negele, editors, Emanuel Lasker: Denker, Weltenbuerger, Schachweltmeister, pages 213--230. Exzelsior Verlag, Berlin, 2009. PDF   Book description

J. Rosenthal, P. A. Weiner
Coding Theory
In L. Hogben, editor, Handbook of Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Boca Raton), chapter~61, pages 61.1--61.14. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2007.   

J. Rosenthal
The Hermann-Martin curve
In New directions and applications in control theory, volume 321 of Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., pages 352-365. Springer, Berlin, 2005. PDF  

J. Rosenthal
Minimal bases of rational vecotr spaces and their importance in algebraic system theory
In R. E. Blahut and R. Koetter, editors, Codes, Graphs, and Systems, pages 345-357. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. PDF   Springer site of volume

J. Rosenthal
Connections between linear systems and convolutional codes
in B. Marcus and J. Rosenthal, editors, Codes, Systems and Graphical Models, IMA Vol. 123, pages 39-66. Springer-Verlag, 2001 PDF   PS

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, P. A. Weiner
Duality between mutidimensinal convolutional codes and systems
In F. Colonius, U. Helmke, F. Wirth, and D. Prätzel-Wolters, editors, Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory, A Volume in Honor of Diedrich Hinrichsen, pages 135-150. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2000    PS

J. Rosenthal
An algebraic decoding algorithm for convolutionasl codes
In G. Picii and D.S. Gilliam, editors, Dynamical Systems, Control, Coding, Computer Vision: New Trends, Interfaces, and Interplay, pages 343-360. Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1999 PDF   Birkhauser site for book

J. Rosenthal
An optimal control theory for systems defined over finite rings
In V.D. Blondel, E.D. Sontag, M. Vidyasagar, and J.C. Willems, editors, Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, chapter 38, pages 193-201. Springer-Verlag, London, Berlin, New York, 1998 PDF   PS

J. Rosenthal, J. C. Willems
Open problems in the area of pole placement
In V.D. Blondel, E.D. Sontag, M. Vidyasagar, and J.C. Willems, editors, Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, chapter 37, pages 181-191. Springer-Verlag, London, Berlin, New York, 1998    PS

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Inverse eigenvalue problems for multivariable linear systems
In C. I. Byrnes, B. N. Datta, D. Gilliam, and C. F. Martin, editors, Systems and Control in the Twenty-First Century, pages 289-311. Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1997

J. A. Ball, J. Rosenthal
Pole placement, internal stabilization and interpolation conditions for rational matrix functions: a Grassmannian formulation
In P. van Dooren and B. Wyman, editors, Linear Algebra for Control Theory, volume 62 of IMA Vol. in Math. and its Appl., pages 21-30. Springer Verlag, 1994

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Hasse Diagram and Dynamic Feedback of Linear Systems
Computation and Control III (K. Bowers and J. Lund, eds.) Birkhäuser Verlag, Boston, 1993, pp. 391-398    PDF

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
What is the distance between two autoregressive systems
In K. Bowers and J. Lund, editors, Computation and Control III, pages 333-340. Birkhäuser Verlag, Boston, 1993    PDF

J. Rosenthal
Tuning natural frequencies by output feedback.
In K. Bowers and J. Lund, editors, Computation and Control, pages 276-282. Birkhäuser Verlag, Boston, 1989.   

Conference Publications

A. Neri, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
Fuzzy Authentication using Rank Distance
In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Communication Security. WCS 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, pp. 97--108. PDF

A.-L. Horlemann, N. Silberstein, J. Rosenthal
List Decoding of Lifted Gabidulin Codes via the Plücker Embedding
In Preproceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) 2013, pages 539–549, Bergen, Norway, April 2013.   

M. Baldi, M. Bianchi, F. Chiaraluce, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
Using LDGM Codes and Sparse Syndromes to Achieve Digital Signatures
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7932, 2013, pp. 1-15. PDF  

F. Fontein, K. Marshall, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani, A.-L. Horlemann
On Burst Error Correction and Storage Security of Noisy Data,
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS, pp. 1-7, Melbourne, Australia, 2012. PDF  

A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
A Complete Characterization of Irreducible Cyclic Orbit Codes
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) 2011, pages 219-223, Paris, France, April 2011 PDF   arXiv version

M. Baldi, M. Bianchi, F. Chiaraluce, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani
On fuzzy syndrome hashing with LDPC coding,
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, ISABEL '11, pp. 24:1-24:5, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM. PDF  

F. Manganiello, A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
On conjugacy classes of subgroups of the general linear group and cyclic orbit codes
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2011.    arXiv

D. Schipani, M. Elia, J. Rosenthal
On the Decoding Complexity of Cyclic Codes Up to the BCH Bound,
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 835-839. PDF  

D. Schipani, M. Elia, J. Rosenthal
Efficient evaluations of polynomials over finite fields,
Proceedings of 2011 Australian Communications Theory Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 154-157. PDF  

D. Schipani, J. Rosenthal
Coding solutions for the secure biometric storage problem,
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2010, Dublin, Ireland, pp.1-4. PDF  

A. Amir, A. Sutton, J. Rosenthal
LDPC Codes from Matrix Equations
In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.   

A.-L. Horlemann, F. Manganiello, J. Rosenthal
Orbit Codes - A New Concept in the Area of Network Coding
In Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2010, Dublin, Ireland. PDF   Article

S. D. Cardell, G. Maze, J. Rosenthal, U. Wagner
Correlations in stream ciphers: A systems theory point of view
roceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems -- MTNS, pages 419--423, Budapest, Hungary, 2010   

A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
New Improvements on the Echelon-Ferrers Construction
In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems – MTNS, Budapest, Hungary, 2010, pp. 405–408. PDF  

V. Tomás Estevan, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Decoding of MDP convolutional codes over the erasure channel.
In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pages 556--560, Seoul, South Korea, 2009. PDF  

J. Rosenthal, A. Sutton
Design of irregular graphs for erasure decoding
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (USA), 2008. PDF  

A. Amir, F. Müller, P. Fornaro, R. Gschwind, J. Rosenthal, L. Rosenthaler
Towards a Channel Model for Microfilm
In Archiving 2008, pages 207-211. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2008. PDF  

C. Kelley, J. Rosenthal, A. Sridharan
Systems Theoretic Questions in Coding Theory
Sixth International Congress on Industrial Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07), vol 7, 1030601--1030602, 2008.   

J. Zumbrägel, G. Maze, J. Rosenthal
Efficient recovering of operation tables of black box groups and rings
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (Toronto, ON, Canada), p. 639--643. PDF   arXiv:cs.IT/0805.0514

F. Manganiello, E. Gorla, J. Rosenthal
Spread Codes and Spread Decoding in Network Coding
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pages 851--855, Toronto, Canada, 2008. PDF  

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Pole placement results for complex symmetric and Hamiltonian transfer functions
In Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3450--3453, 2007. PDF  

C. Kelley, D. Sridhara, J. Rosenthal
Pseudocodeword weights for non-binary LDPC codes.
In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE international Symposium on Informaion Theory, pages 1379 - 1383, Seattle, USA, 2006. PDF  

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Good Packings in the Complex Stiefel Manifold using Numerical Methods
In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 1710--1719, Kyoto, Japan, 2006. PDF   MTNS Proceedings

D. Sridhara, C. Kelley, J. Rosenthal
Tree-Based construction of LDPC codes.
In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international Symposium on Informaion Theory, pages 845-849, Adelaide, Australia, 2005. PDF  

E. Byrne, C. Interlando, J. Rosenthal
The gate complexity of syndrome decoding of Hamming codes.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, pages 33-37, Beaumont, Texas, 2004 PDF  

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Upper bound analysis of diversity for unitary space time constellations
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 157, Chicago, 2004.   

C. Kelley, D. Sridhara, J. Xu, J. Rosenthal
Pseudocodeword weights and stopping sets.
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 67, Chicago, 2004. PDF  

C. Kelley, J. Rosenthal, D. Sridhara
Some new algebraic constructions of codes from graphs which are good expanders.
In Proc. of the 41st Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 1280-1289, 2003. PDF  

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, R. Hutchinson, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Convolutional codes which are maximum distance separable and which have a maximum distance profile.
In Proc. of the 41st Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 844-852, 2003.   

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
A numerical approach for designing unitary space time codes with large diversity product and diversity sum.
In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 178, Yokohama, JAPAN, 2003.   

E. Byrne, C. Kelley, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal
Non-linear codes for belief propagation.
In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 43, Yokohama, JAPAN, 2003.   

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Unitary Constellations with Large Diversity Sum and Good Diversity Product.
In Proc. of the 40-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 48-57, 2002.    PS

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Construction and decoding of strongly MDS convolutional codes.
In D. Gilliam and J. Rosenthal editors, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, (6 pages), August 2002, Electronic Proceedings MTNS-2002 Symposium held in at the University of Notre Dame.   

J. Climent, G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal
Public key cryptography based on simple modules over simple rings.
In D. Gilliam and J. Rosenthal editors, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, (8 pages), August 2002, Electronic Proceedings MTNS-2002 Symposium held in at the University of Notre Dame.    PDF

G. Han, J. Rosenthal
Unitary constellation design with application to space-time coding.
In D. Gilliam and J. Rosenthal editors, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, (12 pages), August 2002. Electronic Proceedings MTNS-2002 Symposium held in at the University of Notre Dame    PDF

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Strongly MDS convolutional codes, a new class of codes with maximal decoding capability.
In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 426, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002.   

G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal
A public key cryptosystem based on actions by semigroups.
In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 266, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002. PDF  

G. Han, K. Portman, J. Rosenthal
Unitary matrices with maximal or near maximal diversity product.
In Proc. of the 39-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 82-91, 2001.    PDF

J. Rosenthal,  Vontobel
Constructions of Regular and Irregular LDPC Codes using Ramanujan Graphs and Ideas from Margulis.
In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 4, Washington DC, 2001.   

J. Rosenthal,  Vontobel
Constructions of LDPC Codes Using Ramanujan Graphs and Ideas from Margulis.
In Proc. of the 38-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 248-257, 2000. PDF  

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Construction results for MDS-convolutional codes.
In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 294, Sorrento, Italy, 2000.   

C. Monico, J. Rosenthal, A. Shokrollahi
Using low density parity check codes in the McEliece cryptosystem.
In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 214, Sorrento, Italy, 2000. PDF  

H. Gluesing-Luerssen, J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Generalized first order descriptions and canonical forms for convolutional codes.
In A. Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, editors, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 1091-1094, July 1998. Proceedings of the MTNS-98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy. PDF  

J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
On the dual of MDS convolutional codes.
In Proc. of the 36-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 576-583, 1998.   

J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Convolutional code constructions resulting in maximal or near maximal free distance.
In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 308, Boston, MA, 1998.   

B. Allen, J. Rosenthal
Parity-check decoding of convolutional codes whose systems parameters have desirable algebraic properties.
In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 307, Boston, MA, 1998.   

J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
A state space approach for constructing MDS rate 1/n convolutional codes.
In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Information Theory, pages 116-117, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland, June 1998. PDF  

J. Rosenthal
Some interesting problems in systems theory which are of fundamental importance in coding theory.
In Proc. of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4574-4579, San Diego, California, 1997. PDF   PS

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal
On output feedback invariants and cascade equivalence of systems.
In Proc. of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4243-4248, San Diego, California, 1997.    PS

J. Rosenthal, R. Smarandache
Construction of convolutional codes using methods from linear systems theory.
In Proc. of the 35-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 953-960, 1997.    PS

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
A construction of binary BCH convolutional codes.
In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 291, Ulm, Germany, 1997.   

B. Allen, J. Rosenthal
Analyzing convolutional encoders using realization theory.
In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 287, Ulm, Germany, 1997.   

C. Peterson, J. Rosenthal
Connections between multidimensional systems theory and algebraic geometry.
In Proc. of the 34-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 583-592, 1996.   

B. Allen, J. Rosenthal
Analysis of Convolutional Encoders via Generalized Sylvester Matrices and State Space Realization.
In Proc. of the 34-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pages 893-902, 1996   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
On the relationship between algebraic systems theory and coding theory: Representations of codes.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3271-3276, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995.   

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Eigenvalue assignment by dynamic output feedback: A new sufficiency criterion in the real case.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 2710-2715, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995.   

J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher, X. Wang, J. C. Willems
Generic eigenvalue assignment for generalized linear first order systems using memoryless real output feedback.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 492-497, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995. PDF  

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Dynamic pole assignment for systems in generalized first order form: A report on results derived by algebro-geometric techniques.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1900-1904, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
System equivalences and canonical forms from a behavioral point of view.
In Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 484-489, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995.   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
First order representations for convolutional encoders.
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 165, Whistler, British Columbia, 1995.   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
Generalized Hamming weights for convolutional codes.
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 162, Whistler, British Columbia, 1995.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
A realization theory for homogeneous AR-systems, an algorithmic approach.
In Proc. of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, pages 183-188, Nantes, France, 1995.   

U. Helmke, J. Rosenthal, J. M. Schumacher
A controllability test for behavior systems.
In Proc. of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, pages 318-323, Nantes, France, 1995.   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
Linear systems defined over a finite field, dynamic programming and convolutional codes.
In Proc. of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, pages 466-471, Nantes, France, 1995.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Recent applications of algebraic geometry in linear system theory.
In J. G. Lewis, editor, Proc. of Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, held in Snowbird, Utah, pages 206-210. SIAM, 1994.   

J. Rosenthal, E. V. York
An ideal theoretic approach for classifying high rate convolutional codes.
In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 169, Trondheim, Norway, 1994.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of the dynamic pole assignment problem.
In U. Helmke, R. Mennicken, and J. Saurer, editors, Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications, volume 79 of Mathematical Research, pages 547-550. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1994. Proc. of the International Symposium MTNS 93 held in Regensburg Germany. Vol II: Invited and contributed papers.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Robustness of autoregressive systems.
In Proc. of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 2878-2879, San Antonio, Texas, 1993.   

J. Rosenthal
On decentralized dynamic feedback compensation.
In Proc. of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 357-358, San Antonio, Texas, 1993.   

J. Rosenthal
On subsets of autoregressive systems and stabilization conditions.
In Proc. of European Control Conference, pages 1879-1882, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1993.   

J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
Pole placement with small order dynamic compensators.
In Proc. of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3098-3099, Tucson, Arizona, 1992.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal
Dynamic pole placement and the connection to geometry.
In Proc. of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 179-180, Tucson, Arizona, 1992.   

M. S. Ravi, J. Rosenthal, X. Wang
On homogeneous autoregressive systems.
In Proceedings of Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems, pages 229-235. The University of Texas at Arlington, December 1992.   

J. Rosenthal, M. K. Sain
On Kronecker indices of transfer functions and autoregressive systems.
In Proc. of the Second Int. Symposium on Implicit Systems, pages 173-176, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, July 1991.   

J. Rosenthal
On minimal order dynamical compensators of low order systems.
In Proc. of European Control Conference, pages 374-378, Grenoble, France, 1991.v   

Book Reviews

J. Rosenthal
Book Review: Introduction to mathematical systems theory. A behavioral approach,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(4), 706-708, 2002.   

Books edited

D. Giliam, J. Rosenthal
Mathematical Systems Theory in Biology, Communication, Computation and Finance
IMA Vol. 134, series published by Springer Verlag, 2003    Springer Verlag site of book

B. Marcus, J. Rosenthal
Codes Systems and Graphical Models
IMA Vol. 123 in Math. and its Appl., series published by Springer Verlag, 2001    Springer Verlag site of book

M. Alber, B. Hu, J. Rosenthal
Current and Future Directions in Applied Mathematics
Papers from the symposium held at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, April 1996, Birkhäuser Boston Inc., Boston, MA, 1997, x+261, ISBN 0-8176-3956-X    Birkhauser Verlag site of book

PhD Dissertation

J. Rosenthal
Geometric Methods for Feedback Stabilization of Multivariable Linear Systems
PhD thesis, Arizona State University, Arizona, 1990.   


Zita Abreu, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
22.11.24 - 28.11.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
Talk: On a class of convolutional codes with optimal column distances and efficient decoding algorithm
18.09.24 - 27.09.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Gianira Nicoletta Alfarano, Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven)
24.04.24 - 26.04.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
24.04.24 - 26.04.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Andrea Sanguineti, Department of Mathematics, University of Genoa (Genoa)
22.04.24 - 25.04.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
10.03.24 - 18.03.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Khu Vu Van, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Talk: Coding for Data Storage Systems
03.03.24 - 09.03.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Yeow Meng Chee, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
02.03.24 - 04.03.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Daniella Bar-Lev, Technion (Haifa)
Talk: The DNA Storage Channel: From Theory to Practice
26.02.24 - 01.03.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Lobillo Borrero, Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain)
17.01.24 - 24.01.24Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos, Section de Mathématiques, Université de Genève (Genève)
27.08.23 - 29.08.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Gianira Nicoletta Alfarano, Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven)
20.08.23 - 31.08.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
20.08.23 - 31.08.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Margreta Kuijper, The University of Melbourne (Melbourne)
05.06.23 - 30.06.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Rocco Mora, Inria-Paris (Paris, France)
Talk: Polynomial time attack on high rate random alternant codes
29.05.23 - 01.06.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Gianira Nicoletta Alfarano, Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven)
Talk: Matroidal Approach to Coding Theory
07.12.22 - 09.12.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
Talk: Asymptotically good minimal linear codes from Ramanujan graphs
07.12.22 - 09.12.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alfred Wassermann, University of Bayreuth (Bayreuth, Germany)
Talk: Majority logic decoding and design theory
08.11.22 - 11.11.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Wigger, Telecom Paris, LTCI (France)
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 2
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 1
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 4
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 3
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 5
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 6
Talk: Lectures on Information Theory - Part 7
01.08.22 - 31.07.23Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Tuvi Etzion, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
07.06.22 - 16.07.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alp Bassa, Boğaziçi University (Istanbul)
Talk: Recursive Towers over Finite Fields
22.05.22 - 28.05.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Karan Khathuria, University of Tartu (Estonia)
22.05.22 - 28.05.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Carlo Matteotti,
29.04.22 - 29.04.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Carlo Matteotti,
02.03.22 - 02.03.22Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
01.11.21 - 05.11.21Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Ferdinando Zullo, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Caserta)
Talk: Linear sets in coding theory
01.11.21 - 05.11.21Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
09.11.20 - 19.12.20Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Amin Shokrollahi, EPFL (Switzerland)
Talk: Chord Signaling
21.10.20 - 22.10.20Rosenthal, Joachim
Anina Gruica, (Obfelden)
24.08.20 - 31.08.20Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ferruh Ozbudak, Middle East Technical University (Ankara)
Talk: Algebraic curves and b-Symbol Weights of Cyclic Codes
15.12.19 - 21.12.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Tefjol Pllaha, Aalto University (Finland)
Talk: Binary Subspace Chirps
26.11.19 - 28.11.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Clementa Alonso Gonzalez, University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
19.08.19 - 28.08.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Miguel Angel Navarro Pérez, University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
Talk: Optimal distance flag codes from spreads
15.08.19 - 15.11.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Xaro Soler, University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
02.08.19 - 05.09.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Daniel Cabarcas Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota, Kolumbien)
14.07.19 - 17.07.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Eimear Byrne, UCD Dublin (Ireland)
04.07.19 - 05.07.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Xaro Soler, University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
01.04.19 - 04.04.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Johan Rosenkilde, Technical University of Denmark (Kongens Lyngby)
Talk: Twisted Reed-Solomon Codes
26.03.19 - 28.03.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Felice Manganiello, Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina)
Talk: Batch codes from evaluation codes
11.03.19 - 17.03.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
Talk: Network Coding and Rank-Metric Codes
03.03.19 - 16.03.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Lobillo Borrero, Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain)
Talk: Non projective Frobenius algebras and linear codes
Talk: Projective codes and free distance
07.01.19 - 31.03.19Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. John Sheekey, University College Dublin (Dublin)
Talk: Semifields: where algebra meets geometry
21.11.18 - 22.11.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: Splitting polynomials and the discrete logarithm problem
13.11.18 - 15.11.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Elif Saçıkara, UZH (Zürich)
Talk: On the Algebraic Structure of Quasi-Cyclic Codes
10.11.18 - 30.11.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Paolo Santini, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona)
Talk: Structured codes with cryptographic applications
05.11.18 - 09.11.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Yutaka Yamamoto, Kyoto University (Kyoto)
Talk: Going Beyond the Shannon Paradigm - a new approach to digital control and signals
30.10.18 - 02.11.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Sven Puchinger, Technische Universität München (München)
Talk: Twisted Codes and Their Applications in Cryptography
24.10.18 - 26.10.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Hannes Bartz, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) (Oberpfaffhofen-Wessling)
Talk: Construction and Decoding of MDPC Codes for McEliece Crptosystems
10.10.18 - 10.10.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Martin Bossert, Universität Ulm (Ulm)
Talk: Mathematics in Communication Systems and in Molecular Biology
25.09.18 - 26.09.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
11.09.18 - 14.09.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
25.06.18 - 27.06.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
11.06.18 - 15.06.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Cem Guneri, Sabanci University
Talk: Linear Complementary Pair of Codes
13.05.18 - 17.05.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Elif Saçıkara, UZH (Zürich)
13.05.18 - 19.05.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Computing with Cubic and Quadratic Forms
08.05.18 - 10.05.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
Talk: MRD Rank Metric Convolutional Codes
07.05.18 - 23.06.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Olav Geil, Aalborg University (Aalborg)
Talk: Optimized constructions of nested code pairs
20.03.18 - 21.03.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Caroline Uhler, M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA)
01.02.18 - 31.08.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Carlos Vela Cabello, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
Talk: About Z_{2^s}-Linear Hadarmard Codes
17.01.18 - 19.04.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
Talk: A construction of Abelian non-cyclic orbit codes
17.12.17 - 24.12.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
10.12.17 - 17.12.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Uwe Nagel, University of Kentucky (Kentucky, USA)
10.12.17 - 17.12.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Sihem Mesnager, University of Paris VIII (Paris )
Talk: Mathematical contributions on the construction of good codes for secret sharing and storage
06.12.17 - 07.12.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
Talk: Construction of MDP convolutional codes
10.10.17 - 12.10.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Vladimir Sidorenko, Technical University of Munich (Munich)
Talk: On syndrome decoding of interleaved Gabidulin and subspace codes.
26.09.17 - 28.09.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Caroline Uhler, M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA)
01.06.17 - 31.07.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marcus Greferath, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finnland)
Talk: On a beautiful foundational result in ring-linear coding theory
30.05.17 - 02.06.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Carolyn Mayer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Lincoln USA)
Talk: Recent Results on Partial Erasure Channels
27.05.17 - 24.06.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Martino Borello, Université de Paris 8 (Paris)
03.05.17 - 05.05.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Buket Özkaya, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Talk: On Linear Complementary-Dual Multinegacirculant Codes
28.03.17 - 30.03.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Allison N. Beemer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Lincoln, USA)
Talk: A Multidimensional Network Framework for Trapping Set Analysis
17.03.17 - 15.04.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Willems, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität (Magdeburg)
Talk: More on MRD codes
01.03.17 - 04.03.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
20.02.17 - 24.02.17Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Willems, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität (Magdeburg)
Talk: On the structure of MRD codes
07.11.16 - 11.11.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Angeles Vazquez-Castro, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Barcelona)
Talk: Overview of wiretap coding for physical layer security
12.10.16 - 13.10.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alina Ostafe, University of New South Wales (Sydney)
Talk: On some extensions of the Ailon-Rudnick Theorem
15.08.16 - 19.08.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Durgun, Cukurova University (Turkey)
Talk: On linear complementary dual codes over finite chain rings
29.06.16 - 23.02.18Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Tridiagonal matrices over finite fields
24.05.16 - 27.05.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
Talk: Probability estimations for networks of linear systems and their correlation with interconnected convolutional codes
25.04.16 - 28.04.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Lobillo Borrero, Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain)
Talk: Computing separability elements for the sentence-ambient algebra of split ideal codes
17.04.16 - 08.05.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
Talk: Unique completability for low-rank matrix completion
15.02.16 - 15.04.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Giacomo Micheli, MIT (Cambridge)
11.01.16 - 05.02.16Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Chiesa, University of California (Berkeley)
Talk: Cycles of elliptic curves: applications and open problems
13.12.15 - 20.12.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Leyla Işık, Sabanci University (Turkey)
Talk: On Complete Maps and Value Sets of Polynomials Over Finite Fields
13.12.15 - 18.12.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: On the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of fixed characteristic
18.11.15 - 19.11.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marco Baldi, Università Polytechnical delle Marche (Ancona)
Talk: Code-based cryptosystems with short keys
06.10.15 - 08.10.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
10.06.15 - 16.06.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Sudhir Ghorpade, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Mumbai)
Talk: Linear codes associated to Grassmann and related varieties
05.06.15 - 12.06.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Noha M. Abdelghany, Department of Mathematics, Cairo University (Cairo)
Talk: Codes over Group Rings
01.06.15 - 06.06.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Lopez Ramos, University of Almeria (Almeria, Spain)
Talk: Public Key Cryptography over some non-commutative structures
01.06.15 - 31.08.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Felice Manganiello, Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina)
Talk: Theory and Applications of Skew Polynomial Rings
01.06.15 - 04.06.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paulo Almeida, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Diego Napp, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Javad Boroojeni Ebrahimi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Talk: Index coding and graph homomorphism
04.05.15 - 06.05.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials - A State of the Art
21.03.15 - 24.03.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Tim Güneysu, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Bochum)
Talk: Implementing Code-Based Cryptography on Embedded Systems
01.03.15 - 02.03.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Horlemann,
Talk: Minimal Bases of Linearized Polynomial Modules and Gabidulin Decoding
09.12.14 - 20.01.15Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Thomas Westerbäck, Aalto University, Finnland (Aalto, Finnland)
09.12.14 - 11.12.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Javier de la Cruz, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: On the automorphism group of extremal codes of length 24m
04.12.14 - 18.12.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Amaro Barreal Fernandez, Aalto University (Finland)
24.11.14 - 19.12.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ragnar Freij, Aalto University, Finnland (Aalto)
Talk: Representability of matroids and locally repairable codes
Talk: Roundness, Central Symmetry, and the 3^d Conjecture
23.11.14 - 19.12.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Camilla Hollanti, Aalto University (Aalto, Finland)
Talk: Class number formula entangled with physical layer security
23.11.14 - 19.12.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Vitaly Skachek, University of Tartu, Estonia (Estonia)
Talk: On some data processing problems arising in the distributed storage systems
26.10.14 - 28.10.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
21.08.14 - 22.08.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
12.07.14 - 23.08.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Bienvenido Barraza Martinez, Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla (Kolumbien))
10.06.14 - 11.06.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jairo Hernandez Monzon, Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla (Kolumbien))
10.06.14 - 11.06.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Maria Victoria Herranz Cuadrado, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Elche, Spain)
04.06.14 - 05.07.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Vicente Galiano, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Elche, Spain)
03.06.14 - 05.07.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Tuvi Etzion, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
Talk: Representation of Subspaces and Subspace Codes
01.06.14 - 06.06.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jose Maria Munoz Porras, University of Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain)
Talk: Connections between the Convolutional Codes and algebraic curves
26.04.14 - 29.04.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
12.04.14 - 16.04.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Shamgar Gurevich, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Talk: The incidence and cross methods for efficient radar detection
24.02.14 - 25.02.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Fatemeh Bardestani, Tarbiat Modares University, Teheran (Teheran, Iran)
Talk: Orbit Codes of Sylow r-subgroups of General Linear Group
17.02.14 - 17.03.14Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Camilla Hollanti, Aalto University (Aalto, Finland)
18.12.13 - 20.12.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Mark Silberstein, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion Israel)
10.06.13 - 07.07.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Natalia Silberstein, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
Talk: New Lower Bounds for Constant Dimension Codes
10.06.13 - 07.07.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Leo Storme, Universität Gent (Gent, Belgien)
05.06.13 - 07.06.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alicia Roca Martinez, Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia (Valencia)
04.06.13 - 28.06.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
02.06.13 - 31.07.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: On the Function Field Sieve and the Impact of Higher Splitting Probabilities
26.05.13 - 30.05.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Michael Kiermaier, Universität Bayreuth (Bayreuth, Deutschland)
Talk: Intersection numbers of q-analogs of designs
24.05.13 - 29.05.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
07.04.13 - 31.07.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Fernando Hernando, Universidad Jaume I (Castello de la Plana, Spain)
Talk: On the classification of PN and APN Monomial Functions
17.03.13 - 20.03.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
Talk: Fourier-reflexive Partitions and the MacWilliams Identity
19.02.13 - 15.03.13Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
25.10.12 - 28.10.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Marco Bianchi, Università Politecnica delle Marche
07.09.12 - 10.09.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Claus P. Schnorr, Universität Frankfurt
02.09.12 - 16.09.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
01.09.12 - 04.09.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
25.07.12 - 01.08.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
20.06.12 - 23.06.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Mark Silberstein, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion Israel)
06.06.12 - 30.06.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Angeles Vazquez-Castro, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Barcelona)
06.06.12 - 08.06.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Natalia Silberstein, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
01.06.12 - 30.06.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Andreas Peter, TU Darmstadt
Talk: Additively Homomorphic Encryption Revisited: A Framework and (Im-)possibility Results
14.05.12 - 18.05.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. António Machiavelo, Universidade do Porto
Talk: Quaternion arithmetic and factorization
05.05.12 - 10.05.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Francesco Marigo,
22.04.12 - 23.04.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Michael Schneider, Technische Universität Darmstadt
26.03.12 - 30.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Claus P. Schnorr, Universität Frankfurt
Talk: Konstruktion kurzer und nächster Gittervektoren von Gittern kleiner Dichte und die Faktorisierung ganzer Zahlen.
25.03.12 - 28.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Oliver Gnilke, University College Dublin
Talk: Semigroup Actions in Two-Party Key Agreement Protocols
11.03.12 - 14.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Andreas Kendziorra, University College Dublin
Talk: Finite Simple Semirings
11.03.12 - 15.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: Simple Semirings - an Overview and New Results
11.03.12 - 14.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Nicolas Sendrier, INRIA
Talk: Signing with Codes
04.03.12 - 05.03.12Rosenthal, Joachim
Kathryn Haymaker, University of Nebraska
Talk: WOM code constructions and adaptations
25.10.11 - 26.11.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Christine Kelley, University of Nebraska (Lincoln USA)
25.10.11 - 26.11.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Sergei Fedorenko, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Talk: The DFT with reduced multiplicative complexity
17.10.11 - 20.10.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Judy Walker, University of Nebraska
Talk: Neural codes from a coding theory perspective
03.10.11 - 03.10.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Lopez Ramos, University of Almeria (Almeria, Spain)
25.08.11 - 09.09.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
09.08.11 - 10.08.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Frank Kschischang, University of Toronto
06.08.11 - 09.08.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michael Braun, Hochschule Darmstadt
25.07.11 - 27.07.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Pawel Wocjan, University of Central Florida
11.07.11 - 14.07.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alicia Roca Martinez, Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia (Valencia)
20.06.11 - 13.07.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Guangyue Han, University of Hong Kong
Talk: Menger's paths with minimum mergings
08.06.11 - 17.06.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
30.05.11 - 02.09.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Thomas Feulner, Universität Bayreuth
09.01.11 - 14.01.11Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Lopez Ramos, University of Almeria (Almeria, Spain)
Talk: Multicast Distribution of Secrets
02.12.10 - 12.12.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
22.11.10 - 26.11.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marco Baldi, Università Polytechnical delle Marche (Ancona)
Talk: Using LDPC codes in the McEliece cryptosystem
15.11.10 - 19.11.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Marco Bianchi, Università Politecnica delle Marche
15.11.10 - 19.11.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Gary McGuire, UCD Dublin
Talk: Further results on divisibility of Kloosterman Sums over Finite Fields
08.11.10 - 10.11.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Willems, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität (Magdeburg)
Talk: Representations in Coding Theory
25.10.10 - 28.10.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
18.10.10 - 23.10.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Axel Kohnert, Universität Bayreuth
Talk: q-analogs of combinatorial designs and network codes
17.10.10 - 21.10.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Judy Walker, University of Nebraska
03.10.10 - 03.10.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
21.08.10 - 24.08.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Igor E. Shparlinski, Department of Computing, Macquarie University
25.07.10 - 27.07.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
07.06.10 - 10.06.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Felix Fontein, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
31.05.10 - 06.06.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jaime Gutierrez, Universidad de Cantabria
Talk: An algorithm for recovering zeroes of polynomials and predicting non-linear pseudorandom number generators
31.05.10 - 04.06.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Maria Bras-Amoros, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Talk: Numerical Semigroups and Algebraic Codes
27.04.10 - 29.04.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
Talk: The degree and the support of a Boolean function
18.04.10 - 21.05.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Domingo Gomez Perez, Universidad de Cantabria
Talk: Pseudorandom Number Sequences through Polynomials Iterations
23.03.10 - 28.03.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Oberst,
Talk: The significance of Gabriel localization for stability and stabilization of multidimensional input/output behaviors
16.03.10 - 18.03.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Igor E. Shparlinski, Department of Computing, Macquarie University
28.02.10 - 03.02.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Arne Winterhof, Austrian Academy of Sciences
25.02.10 - 02.03.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Sara Diaz, University of Alicante
01.01.10 - 31.07.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
04.12.09 - 07.12.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heeralal Janwa, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Talk: On Post-Quantum PKCs
Talk: Ramanujan Graphs and PKCs from AG Codes
15.11.09 - 14.12.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Arne Winterhof, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Talk: Pseudorandom Numbers and Number Theory
02.11.09 - 07.11.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Sara Diaz, University of Alicante
Talk: Another construction of cyclic low-density MDS array codes
01.10.09 - 31.12.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Sewoong Oh,
31.07.09 - 31.07.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Roberto Avanzi, Ruhr-University Bochum
Talk: Trace Zero Varieties in Pairing-based Cryptography
26.05.09 - 28.05.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Raquel Pinto, University of Aveiro
Talk: Input-output representations of 2D convolutional codes
15.03.09 - 30.04.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Felix Fontein, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.03.09 - 16.03.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Ayan Mahalanobis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Talk: The MOR cryptosystem
08.03.09 - 12.03.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
Talk: Equivalence of Convolutional Codes
18.01.09 - 06.02.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Andreas Stein, Universität Oldenburg
Talk: Efficient Divisor Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic Curves with NUCOMP
14.12.08 - 17.12.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Francois Weissbaum, IS Kryptologie
Talk: Umsetzung einer PKI, Theorie und Praxis
10.12.08 - 10.12.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Pierre Loidreau, University of Rennes
Talk: Construction of codes with prescribed rank or distance by using skew polynomials
01.12.08 - 03.12.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
23.11.08 - 25.11.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marcus Greferath, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finnland)
Talk: Monomial Extension of Isometries between Z_m-Linear Codes
23.11.08 - 27.11.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Patrick Solé, CNRS Laboratory I3S, Sophia Antipolis
Talk: Galois rings and pseudo-random sequences
13.11.08 - 20.11.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Peter Birkner, Eindhoven University of Technology
Talk: Edwards Curves and the ECM Factorisation Method
27.10.08 - 30.10.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Sandra Di Rocco, KTH
Talk: Classifying polytopes via toric fibrations.
20.10.08 - 22.10.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Frederic Didier, EPFL
Talk: New ideas on algebraic attacks against the filter generator
07.10.08 - 08.10.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Emina Soljanin, Bell Laboratories Mathematical Sciences Research Center
07.10.08 - 07.10.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Daniel Costello, University of Notre DameUni
10.09.08 - 11.09.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Virtudes Tomás Estevan, University of Alicante
Talk: MDP convolutional codes and decoding over an erasure channel
Talk: LDPC Decoding over the Binary Erasure Channel (with Felice Manganiello)
Talk: What is... a convolutional code?
Talk: Complete-MDP Convolutional Codes over the Erasure Channel
01.09.08 - 31.08.10Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
Talk: Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: Influence of Proto- and Tanner-Graph Structure on Code Parameters
Talk: Information Theory and Channel Coding
15.07.08 - 21.03.09Rosenthal, Joachim
Sara Diaz, University of Alicante
02.06.08 - 29.06.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Christine Kelley, University of Nebraska (Lincoln USA)
Talk: A voltage graph framework for LDPC codes
14.05.08 - 22.05.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Daniel Augot, INRIA Rocquencourt
Talk: On generalized key equations for the Guruswami-Sudan decoding algorithm
15.04.08 - 17.04.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Eimear Byrne, UCD Dublin (Ireland)
Talk: APN Functions - Recent Results and Open Problems
07.04.08 - 11.04.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Henk van Tilborg, Technische Universität Eidhoven
Talk: Communication graphs, key graphs, and Harary graphs
18.03.08 - 20.03.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Mark Flanagan, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Linear-Programming Decoding of Nonbinary Linear Codes
04.03.08 - 06.03.08Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Vitaly Skachek, University of Tartu, Estonia (Estonia)
Talk: Expander Codes: Constructions and Bounds
20.11.07 - 21.11.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Federica Garin, Politecnico di Torino
Talk: Serial turbo codes over Abelian groups
03.10.07 - 05.10.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Verónica Requena, University of Alicante
Talk: Some Constructions of bent functions of n+2 variables from bent functions of n variables
02.08.07 - 30.10.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
Talk: On the construction of bent functions of 2k variables from a primitive polynomial of degree k
04.07.07 - 22.09.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Virtudes Tomás Estevan, University of Alicante
04.07.07 - 31.07.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Andrew Sommese, University of Notre Dame
Talk: Numerical Algebraic Geometry: using numerical analysis to do algebraic geometry computations
Talk: A survey of numerical Algebraic Geometry
15.05.07 - 15.06.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Hossein Hajiabolhassan, Shahid Beheshti University, Teheran
Talk: Visual Cryptography
Talk: Graphs Colorings via Algebraic Topology
Talk: Codes based on graph theory
09.03.07 - 30.11.07Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
19.12.06 - 20.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Daniel Augot, INRIA Rocquencourt
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Eimear Byrne, UCD Dublin (Ireland)
Talk: The Linear Programming Bound for Codes over Rings
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Codes, Lattices, and Cyclotomic fields
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Patrick Fitzpatrick, UCC Cork
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Christina Fraguoli, EPFL
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Paul Fuhrmann, Ben Gurion University
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marcus Greferath, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finnland)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Uwe Helmke, Universität Würzburg
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
José Ignacio Iglesias Curto,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Christine Kelley, University of Nebraska (Lincoln USA)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel, ENSTA Paris
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Andrea Loeliger, ETH Zürich
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Gary McGuire, UCD Dublin
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Martin Michels,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Lorenz Minder, University of California, Berkeley
Talk: Breaking the Sidelnikov cryptosystem
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Oberst,
Talk: Multidimensional Hurwitz polynomials and BIBO stability of continuous systems
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Carmen Perea,
Talk: Linear System Modelization of GSM Digital Mobile System
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Maria Petkova, ETHZ
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Raquel Pinto, University of Aveiro
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jan Willem Polderman,
Talk: Behaviors over finite rings
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Paula Rocha,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Cornelia Roessing,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Max Sala, UCC Cork
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Gert Schneider,
Talk: Topics in the Weight Enumeration of Convolutional Code
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Amin Shokrollahi, EPFL (Switzerland)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Virtudes Tomás Estevan, University of Alicante
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Fai-Lung Tsang,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ruediger Urbanke, EPFL
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Willems, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität (Magdeburg)
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Eva Zerz,
08.12.06 - 09.12.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
02.08.06 - 09.08.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Pär Kurlberg, Royal Institute of Technology
Talk: Lower bounds on the order of some pseuderandom number generators
Talk: Poisson statistics via the Chinese remainder theorem
21.06.06 - 26.06.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Deepak Sridhara, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
16.06.06 - 25.06.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Abigail Sutton, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
16.06.06 - 25.06.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University
Talk: Equivariant Chow ring of the quot scheme
06.06.06 - 07.06.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Application of algebraic number theory in coding theory
15.05.06 - 20.05.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
03.01.06 - 10.01.06Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
Talk: Pseudo-Codewords and Pseudo-Weights of LDPC Codes
19.12.05 - 23.12.05Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Margreta Kuijper, The University of Melbourne (Melbourne)
Talk: Multivariable Interpolation Algorithms -
a system-theoretic approach to Reed Solomon list decoding
13.12.05 - 15.12.05Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
01.07.05 - 31.07.05Rosenthal, Joachim
Andreas Stein, Universität Oldenburg
Talk: Computing the Class Number of an Algebraic Function Field
11.05.05 - 30.06.05Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Ralph August,
01.01.01 - 01.01.01Rosenthal, Joachim